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Discussion Forum - Long Distance Paths - Tour du Mont Blanc

Author: Francis Hay
Posted: Tue 27th Feb 2018, 19:03
Joined: 2002
Local Group: Surrey
Thanks David - this book was on my list. I see that grid refs on French maps are based on UTM (or I think they are). Do you have a good internet link for me so that I can read how this works (in English I'm afraid)?
Author: David Morgan
Posted: Sat 24th Feb 2018, 21:27
Joined: 1994
Local Group: South Wales
The Cicerone guide by Kev Reynolds is an excellent book and described the TMB in both directions. Having walked large parts of the TMB when doing other routes I can say that it is very well waymarked and on really good quality paths. Huge vistas. Enjoy!!
Author: Francis Hay
Posted: Thu 22nd Feb 2018, 19:17
Joined: 2002
Local Group: Surrey
Sorry forgot to add, walking anti-clockwise....
Author: Francis Hay
Posted: Thu 22nd Feb 2018, 19:16
Joined: 2002
Local Group: Surrey
To open this thread again - I'm intending to walk this with 2 friends based in Europe. We have a "walk leader" but I'd like to do some preparatory work first. Any tips? Eg. good guide book with good route instructions. And also kit we should use/take? We're intending to do this in July this year, so hopefully by then most of the snow will have melted but it could still be a tad parky on the high points and hot in the valleys. Some refugio's and some town/village accommodation. I believe there are "harder" options and "easier" options in terms of climbs/descents. Any ideas on these options?
Posted: Tue 4th Feb 2014, 16:03
I hiked the TMB anti-clockwise alone last July and have just agreed to do it again from July 9th to 23rd July but this time clockwise with two other people. If you are thinking about this hike, why not consider joining us, or if a group is already formed to set off on the same date (or 10th) could we join you? I 'm camping, my friends are going to use hotels and refuges.

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