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Discussion Forum - Long Distance Paths - The Kintyre Way ? one of Scotland?s Great Trails?

Author: Raymond Wilkes
Posted: Wed 16th Jul 2014, 17:24
Joined: 2013
Local Group: West Yorkshire
I have been doing this route in sections when visiting family in Campbeltown.

Kintyre is a long way from anywhere so I thought my opinions may be useful to anyone collecting Scotland?s Great Trails.

When the weather is nice there are stunning views of Ayrshire, the Clyde, Ulster and various islands including dramatic views Arran and Jura.
In spring and early summer there are lots of Orchids, Bog Asphodel and many other moorland flowers.
You will also see seals, deer and buzzards.

Unfortunately much of the route is on roads, and while there is hardly any traffic, they are still hard roads. They are narrow roads so if a lorry comes along this can be uncomfortable. Much of the rest is forest tracks, some of which are quite dreary.

The section from Clachan to Skipness and Skipness to Tarbert is very good, as is the section from Machrihanish to the next road section. There are other nice bits around Carradale.
The reason much of it is on road is because of unsympathetic landowners refusing signage on their land. However, the access rules allow a few sections to be improved by going off route, you will still be left with most of the road walking. It is very difficult to walk off a track as the terrain is very rough.

There is excellent real ale in Campbeltown and you could stay in luxury at the Ardshiel Hotel and do much of the route from there with help of local buses. The CityLink from Glasgow is a nice ride and cheap if you pre-book. There is accommodation in Tarbert and Crossaig Lodge (lifts given to Skipness)

I like to link my trials together so I need an off road route from Tarbert to Lochgilphead. I would appreciate any suggestions. There are paths from Lochgilphead to the West Highland Way.

?If you live in Machrihanish you can have a day out in Campbeltown, but if you line in Campbeltown, you cannot have a day out anywhere?.

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