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Discussion Forum - Events - Wealden Waters

Author: Peter Jull
Posted: Wed 30th Jul 2014, 22:41
Joined: 2011
Local Group: Kent
I could try try to claim it wasn't the heat & humidity that did for me, I just wanted to stay & watch the other animal antics at Black Hill drinks point. A horse riding event was packing up leaving one horse refusing to go home. The owners pushed it, they pulled it, they were nice to it, they were nasty to it, they even moved the horse box to fool it but after 2 1/2 hours as the check point packed up they were still there; they might still be there now!

Back at base I transferred to the marshals team and waked as far again, now in the cooler night & morning, reverse sweeping for those right on the cut off times. That revealed some smaller creatures to play with. In the fields approaching Bough Beech there were a number of glow worms shining brightly fluorescent green in the grass at dusk but they seem to have turned themselves off before most of the walkers got there, the one taken back to the CP on its blade of grass to show the others did. No one there wanted so close a look at Tara's spider which was far more lively in hand.

When Terri wanted a break from catering at Hawkenbury the Pantiles were just coming to life but by the time she'd "made" me walk all the way to Langton Green & back it was teeming with genteel customers of its coffee shops and craft market. One wonders what they made of our sweaty, disheveled walkers weaving their way between them.

I did enjoy the event - after I stopped trying to walk the whole way.
Author: David J Hooper
Posted: Wed 30th Jul 2014, 12:17
Joined: 1987
Local Group: Cornwall & Devon
Tara did you record a GPS file of the route on your new gucci watch? I have just ordered one by the way haha
Author: Tara Williams
Posted: Wed 30th Jul 2014, 11:52
Joined: 2007
Local Group: Surrey
PS. My nostrils are still recovering from having their lining burnt out by the aromatic dead sheep on the way in to CP3 at Forest Row -eugh!!

PPS. Thanks to 'Spiderman' for rescuing us at CP5 from the unwelcome visitor in the ladies room!
Author: Tara Williams
Posted: Wed 30th Jul 2014, 11:49
Joined: 2007
Local Group: Surrey
Just to say thank you to everyone who put in the hard work to give us a very enjoyable Wealden Waters 100k on Saturday. I guess that for those who do not like the heat, it was hard going but the checkpoints offered shade, a cheery welcome, lots of cold drinks and food supplies to keep us going. The additional drinks stop with the ice-cold cloths was very much appreciated and even more so with the home-baked goodies on offer (delicious!). I hope that we can send our thanks to the people who not only allowed us to use the permissive track (para 38) but also supplied us with water (bottled, no less!) and a variety of biscuits ? that was a very welcome surprise at 64k.
The route description was really well written and clear so, as long as you managed to keep your place on it, there was no standing around, head scratching and trying to decipher where to go. The hardest navigation was finding the way to Hawkenbury Sports Pavillion as there were no road signs and it appeared as though you were leaving civilisation and heading out in to the wilds of Kent...before you arrived at the entrance! It was ok on the day as there was a big banner outside but the weekend before when we did a recce, was a different matter ? lost before we had even started!
Happy 40th Anniversary to the Kent group and your delicious cake was a real treat ? for breakfast on Sunday! Thank you for a great event. Tara
Author: Elton Ellis
Posted: Tue 29th Jul 2014, 17:00
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Surrey
A great walk through beautiful country side with a clear and accurate route description. I?d forgotten how hilly Kent was. Friendly and helpful checkpointers, and even an extra CP with iced cloths to quell rising temperatures. Thanks to Kent Group.
Author: Alan Stewart
Posted: Tue 29th Jul 2014, 13:37
Joined: 2004
Local Group: Kent
Eric escorting the Goat home was extremely funny, I hope they have have a long and happy life together.

Thank you to all involved in running the Wealden Waters. A Stunning route with what has got to be some of the best scenery in the country, wonderful support by all through out the event and what a bonus the J Cloths were, inspired.

Just a bit toooooooooooooooooooooo hot.

Please don't wait another 11 years before putting the Wealden Waters on again.
Author: Michael Jones
Posted: Tue 29th Jul 2014, 10:57
Joined: 2011
Local Group: Heart of England
The goat, resisting the marshals' best efforts to return it home -
Author: David J Hooper
Posted: Mon 28th Jul 2014, 20:46
Joined: 1987
Local Group: Cornwall & Devon
It was a great walk, conditions were tough at times. A great day out and fun at times I think haha.

Cheer to Dave F-H and Ian H for the company.

Even the extra 7k was fun hmmm.

See you all soon

Some photos here
Author: Michael Jones
Posted: Sun 27th Jul 2014, 11:41
Joined: 2011
Local Group: Heart of England
Thanks to everyone involved for an excellent event - just a pity about the extreme heat, which did for me and a few others.Good luck to those on the 100km route who are still going!

One of the highlights was the goat which joined us a few miles in, and which I encountered again some minutes later being dragged back by two of the marshals...

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