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Discussion Forum - Gear ! - Satmap Active 12 - a quick look

Author: Raymond Wilkes
Posted: Thu 24th Sep 2015, 19:46
Joined: 2013
Local Group: West Yorkshire
I have just realised that the Trail Marker size options are not described in the Active 10 or 12 manuals.
On the actual device the options are in the Settings/Screen Data Options

Trail Marker size: Active 10: off, small or large, Active 12: off, small, medium or large.
Author: Raymond Wilkes
Posted: Thu 24th Sep 2015, 16:53
Joined: 2013
Local Group: West Yorkshire
I have now purchased an Active 12 Solo, I can use the maps and other bits from my Active 10.

The Active 10 could have been traded in or sold, but I am keeping it so I have a GPS if and when my Active 12 needs servicing. It is of course luxury having 2 units.
I like the better screen on the Active 12. I have no interest in the Wi-Fi facility and I am not sure how much I will use the barometric function. The larger RAM does not seem to produce faster boot speeds. It is handy that the Trip Log screen is screen 4 instead of 6 as on Active 10.

The clearer screen means that the backlight is often good enough at 50 or 60% so the battery lasts a bit longer.

There is now a hard copy manual for the Active 12 and details can be found in Support/User Guides. It is £12 but there is the LDWA discount. It can be argued that the user guide should be free, but they would just add it to the price and not everyone would want one. I have bought one as I prefer books to pdfs for long documents.

I think it is easy enough to learn to use the Active10 or 12 just using the quick start guide and playing around with the buttons. However, the technophobic or impatient might like something between the quick start guide and the manual. As a few people in our walking club (you are welcome on our excellent coach rambles) are getting Satmap units, I decide to write some extra notes which includes less obvious bits of info I picked up from Satmap technical help or by trial and error.

If anyone would like a copy e-mail me at rwilkes AT
Author: Raymond Wilkes
Posted: Tue 7th Oct 2014, 16:08
Joined: 2013
Local Group: West Yorkshire
I know some LDWA members already have an Active 12 but I think no-one has reported about it. Someone in our walking club now has one so I have been able to have a look.
The main new features are:
Wi-Fi - I think this is as useful as having the orange buttons, but others may differ.
Extra RAM 128Mb instead of 64Mb, this made no obvious difference in speed at switch on.
Altimeter. This seems a very useful improvement but I was unable to test it. Sometimes accurate height could be useful extra info on the hill and it would be nice to have a non-fictional record of the day's total ascent. The Active 10 will give you 2 or 300 feet of ascent on a lock free canal section! Has anyone checked out this feature?
Hi-Res screen. It is much clearer and nicer to look at I do not think it makes it more practical to use, it is just more agreeable.
Some useful software upgrades have been rumoured..

I was sure I would get one after Xmas, but now I am not so sure! It would be interesting to hear from people who have upgraded from Active 10 to 12.

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