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Discussion Forum - Long Distance Paths - Hiking Greater Ridgeway & Norfolk Coast Path....

Author: Paul Dove
Posted: Mon 5th Oct 2020, 11:09
Joined: 2020
Local Group: London
I know this is an old thread, but I'm posting because it was through googling for information on the Greater Ridgeway that I re-connected with the LDWA and I've joined today.

After many years, probably actually decades on and off, of walking The Ridgeway, I decided over the last 5 years to go a bit further; Thames Path from Greenwich upstream as far as Wallingford, Chess Valley and Chiltern Link, plus many more.

Then in the last 2 years, without realising there was an official name or book about it, I've been going a bit further from both ends of the Ridgeway. I'd got as far as exploring paths to Luton going east and West Lavington going west. But then 2020 happened.

For months now I've been making do with daily morning walks of 5 to 7 miles, plus weekend walks of up to 20 miles. Starting from home and mostly circling back again. But, like so many, I'm itching to see different places. The closest I've come this year so far has been a week with my wife and daughter in Cerne Abbas exploring the routes around the giant and beyond.

So I've bought a copy of the book mentioned in this discussion, pored over OS maps, thought about the best way to break up this route and where to stay, and now I can't wait to get started. If there's another lock-down I may wait until early 2021 to start from Lyme Regis, but if not I'll see if I can fit in most of the route across Dorset this year.
Posted: Mon 30th Nov 2015, 0:21
Just thought I would follow up on the hike. I did find a copy of the book mentioned and it was very helpful. The Wessex Ridgeway was not well wore, not always easy to locate or well maintained. That said I did find my way and ambled along. Some of the views of the country side and the chalk art were fabulous. The 3 National Trails were well marked and maintained. I even got to interact with other hikers on the Ridgeway, Peddars & Norfolk Coast Path. The Norfolk Coast was short but my favorite. Just coastal beauty. My least favorite was the Ickneild Way, but it was the connecter trail that needed to be done to keep moving northward. It was 430 miles of mostly solo hiker and I had a wonderful time. Next year is Wales. I can't wait.
Author: Arthur Metcalfe
Posted: Wed 26th Nov 2014, 14:25
Joined: 1987
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Dear Susan
there is a guide book The Greater Ridgeway by Ray Quinlan Isbn 1-85284-3462 check with book shop. Lyme Regis to Hunstanton. ( Wessex ridge way. Ridgeway,Ickneild way, Peddars way. The Norfolk path you can talk of the map. then cromer depending which way you walk this path.
I walked this path a few years ago. I advise you have the maps ,or a print out from the map sites, or a scan off the revelent maps 125,000, not Land Ranger (150,000) which are not good enough detail for walking. You will find on the Icknield way that there sign post, for branches leading off other ways for those that are on Horse back, very easily to be confused with the path you need to be walking on. And you will find two different ways round some of the hamlets,it is up to the walker to decide which one to use.
When you reach the Wessex Ridgeway( the route is marked on 125,00 maps.)(don;t expect to see many markers for the wessex way). If my merry is correct. You will find it merges with parts of the Monarch,s way and the MacMillian way on this walk which have very similler path markers(black on White) with no markers for the wessex way. You will find your self walking on part of one or the other at times, look at the markers carefully otherwise,just like me takeing a quick glance on passing I nearly went on the wrong path, and to be well of the route. I hope this helps you If you need any more info Or would like to borrow the guide book you are more than welcome. Arthur E-Mail
One High light finding a Natterjack toad walking through the nature on the Norfolk path.Downside walking through Luton.
Author: Raymond Wilkes
Posted: Mon 24th Nov 2014, 22:28
Joined: 2013
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Some years ago with my wife I did a walk from Bristol to Lowestoft using the Kennet and Avon from Bristol, Wessex Ridgeway, Ridgeway, Icknield Way and Angles Way
We used the 1:50k OS map and had no problems. I only look at guide books after I have done the walk! I think there were waymarks all the way, but all the paths were easy to find. You could try phoning Tourist infos, there are often leaflets or locally produced guide books

It was a good trip.!
Posted: Mon 24th Nov 2014, 13:21
I am hiking from Lyme Regis to Cromer this Summer. I understand that their is no "current" guidebook for two sections, Wessex Ridgeway & Icknield Way. I have an out of print guidebook, but was wondering is there an actual MARKED path to follow? Txs

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