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Discussion Forum - Events - Poppyline 50

Author: Julie Welch
Posted: Tue 15th Aug 2006, 9:24
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
Yes, it's always interesting to hear what other people do to keep their brains ticking over. I play games like seeing how high I can count up to before I overtake/get overtaken by the next walker. I've also got a points system for objects seen, rather similar to the one played by George Melly and fellow musicians on tour.
Author: Tony Willey
Posted: Mon 14th Aug 2006, 22:04
Joined: 1989
Local Group: Lakeland
It's a pleasure to walk such a well organised event. Only one questionable route instruction in 50+ miles and that was probably my error. I think the mileage was spot on, and I found I could walk at a pretty constant pace, so I could predict virtually to the minute when I would arrive at one of the mileage checks. Sad I know, but just one of the things we ex accountants do to give the brain something to do on a long walk. I can also confirm the merits of the Wheatsheaf at West Beckham. It's in the Good Pub Guide, an invaluable and generally accurate guide to unfamiliar hostelries.
Author: Chris Chorley
Posted: Wed 9th Aug 2006, 22:17
Joined: 1982
Local Group: Norfolk & Suffolk
The results are now available on our website at:
Posted: Tue 8th Aug 2006, 14:11
The running events are very often over-subscribed, perhaps the difference is the competitive edge which people enjoy? I wonder if by offering prizes and 1,2,3rd place and advertising in running mags as well, this would attract more entrants - or even offering a race over a shorter distance alongs side the walk? Most races charge £10 - 12 per entrant, so would be a good income generator, Or would this destroy the very soul of the LDWA? Either way the LDWA must evolve or we will lose fabulous events like the poppyline which would be such a shame. Well done Norfolk and Suffolk - fantastic walk, fantastic food (especially liked the cheese crispies).
Author: Julian Brown
Posted: Tue 8th Aug 2006, 11:28
Joined: 1998
Local Group: Staffordshire
Thanks very much to the organisers and all the marshals (especially Chris's mum and her baking!), it's very much appreciated, we thoroughly enjoyed it as ever, new(ish) route (for us anyway), with plenty to see, Norfolk isn't as flat as some think (still fairly flat though to be honest!), our only disappointment was the non-appearance of a certain small black dog (who was working apparently, but sent his big brother along).

It was a real shame there weren't more entrants - but how many events (especially the long ones) have we said that about recently ? Purely selfishness of course - in the not too distant future there will only be a couple of long LDWA events a year for us to have a go at. Anyone got any thoughts on this ?
Author: Chris Chorley
Posted: Mon 7th Aug 2006, 22:43
Joined: 1982
Local Group: Norfolk & Suffolk
Commiserations, I hope the Wheatsheaf PH was up to standard, good food and good real ale. We have stopped there at around 25 miles on 35 mile-ish group walks and been made most welcome despite rucksacks and dogs. It is also a checkpoint on the Poppyline Marathon in June (where you have to decide if the short or long route is preferable...).
Author: Rebecca Lawrence
Posted: Mon 7th Aug 2006, 22:30
Joined: 2003
Local Group: Marches
Great event - great food, and great weather only.......I seem to be rather fated with this walk. The first time I did it 3 years ago i completed successfully, the following year I completed again, but broke down on the way home resulting in a 4 hour wait for the RAC and a £600 tow home fee, the following year my partners hip seized up at 35m, and this year.....My feet still bad from the 100 totally blistered up and split - but we found a great pub in West Beckham......Not one to be easily daunted, I'll be back next year!
Author: Chris Chorley
Posted: Mon 7th Aug 2006, 20:26
Joined: 1982
Local Group: Norfolk & Suffolk
Thank you for the kind comments.

The route is plotted using Tracklogs 1:25000 mapping (as you'd see from the route maps on display at the start). Tracklogs makes it 52.72 miles, 902 m ascent, 89 m max elevation. It would be interesting if other mapping software is very different.

We also mapped the Northumbrian 100 this way from the marshals' walk route description; we made the total distance exactly the same as the organisers but the distances between checkpoints varied a bit...
Posted: Mon 7th Aug 2006, 12:28
Great event! Not that hard as 50s go, but more challenging than you'd think from the region's reputation. It was certainly a nice change to finish a 50 before midnight; the 8.00AM start was a good move, I think, as some of the later sections would have been awkward at night. The weather was just right - sunny, but with a nice cooling breeze which kept the temperature in the mid-to-high 20s. Food was good, especially the wonderful condensed milk/flapjack cake at Holt. Talk about a lifesaver!

Importing my GPS tracklog into Anquet gave a provisional distance of 55.6 miles and a surprising 4,000 ft of ascent (pace Noel Coward). I'll endeavour to refine this with the aid of the route description to take account of sections with poor coverage, of which there were a few (winding forest trails, mainly).

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