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Discussion Forum - Events - a newbie

Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Thu 20th Aug 2015, 13:18
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
Janis, you may find it useful to look at my videos from the last three 100s & other walks; shot on the go.
Author: Michael Childs
Posted: Sat 15th Aug 2015, 15:10
Joined: 1990
Local Group: Dorset
Hi Janis,

If you are hoping to enter the D100, I assume you already have completed an acceptable qualifying event - it would be helpful to know which one. There is already much information on the forum about training and fitness for the 100 and I will not repeat previous excellent advice.

But a few points:

A very old piece of advice, which is as valid now as it was thirty years ago : The best training for long distance walking - is long distance walking.

Weather : If you are a runner, what is your experience of 50 mile + events in really bad ( i.e. wet, cold and / or very hot) conditions ? Of course in sub-tropical Dorset, we never get any adverse weather. In lovely Dorset it is always ideal walking conditions (it rarely reaches much more 35 C in temperature) and even the showers are "refreshing" - on the Valleys 100 in 2014, the thunder storms and heavy showers refreshed participants continuously for more than 24 hours, with a few welcome interludes of really torrential rain to relieve the boredom.

Secondly, the LDWA 100 is not a race, and not just a test of fitness and endurance. You should try to get personal experience of longer LDWA challenge walks, particularly those that go overnight. You need to test your kit (particularly footwear) decide what to eat and drink, how best to use your time at a checkpoint, set an achievable pace overall ("newbies" tend go too fast at the start) and how to deal with psychological low points en route. Nobody can do this for you. All of this comes from personal experience, and I cannot know what will work best for you.

Good luck and I hope to see on our 100 next year
Author: Iain Connell
Posted: Fri 14th Aug 2015, 15:02
Joined: 2010
Local Group: East Lancashire
Hi Janis

I'd suggest two things.

First, since you live in or near Dorset you might recce as much of the route as you can, if not all of it then concentrating on what for you are likely to be the overnight stages. You can estimate those from your average pace including checkpoint stops, and sunset/sunrise times for next May. Recces don't ensure that you'll get round (and they haven't, for me!), but they definitely help. If you start early enough you might like to provide feedback on the state of the path, stiles, gates etc. to the route planners and route description editor - a good way to deflect the view that recces are giving you an advantage over those who don't, or can't, do one.

Second, since it's a considerable stretch from a 50-mile qualifier to the 100-mile event (and might be a whole year from your qualifier to the hundred), you could try a 60-70 mile or similar length challenge between now and then but not less than two months before. The current Strider events diary has two which might be suitable, if rather early: The Peak District Challenge (Sept 18-19) (100Km), the Saltmarsh 75 (Oct 3-4) (75 miles). Failing that, another 50-miler in the Winter (Tour de Trigs 5-6 Dec ?)

A combination of regular 15-20 mile day walks (social and/or recces) plus one long(er) challenge event should set you up - then there's just all the other unpredictable eventualities (rain, gales, collapsing paths, witches, Mrs Overall Syndrome*) which recent hundreders have had to contend with.


* See Julie Welch's book. Or maybe not - it's not recommended until after the hundred !
Author: Alan Stewart
Posted: Fri 14th Aug 2015, 13:36
Joined: 2004
Local Group: Kent
Hi Janis try the following link from the Dorset 100 website and good luck.
Posted: Fri 14th Aug 2015, 12:38
As a newbie I'm looking to do the 100 miles next year in Dorset - anyone got hints and tips for training please??

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