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Discussion Forum - Long Distance Paths - Walking under used Glyndwr's Way.

Author: Rob Hutton
Posted: Tue 12th Apr 2016, 21:16
Joined: 2015
Local Group: South Wales
Does anyone want to walk a section of it each month if it was set up as a group walk?
Author: Raymond Wilkes
Posted: Thu 10th Dec 2015, 9:57
Joined: 2013
Local Group: West Yorkshire
That would be a really good idea, best in be late May, early June to squash bracken etc
Hope your idea gets adopted!
Author: Rob Hutton
Posted: Sun 6th Dec 2015, 20:55
Joined: 2015
Local Group: South Wales
I myself have wanted to hike the Glyndwr's Way for a few years now.

As it is so under used i will be asking The Mid Wales LDWA group to add it to their list of group walks at their AGM on Sat 12 Dec 2015.

And propose for the LDWA to make it a double hike challenge.

So for example.
Challenge hike 1. From Knighton to Machynlleth or the other way around.
Would be held in 2016 then bi-yearly.

Challenge hike 2. From Machynlleth to Welshpool or the other way around.
Would be held in 2017 then bi-yearly.

And hikers must finish both of the hikes in consecutive years to complete the challenge.

Is this a good or bad idea?

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