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Discussion Forum - The Bothy - Facebook and Twitter

Author: Adam Dawson
Posted: Tue 17th May 2016, 17:28
Joined: 2013
Local Group: London
Hi Merrian there isn't any specific technical reason why our (or a local group) FB page has to be closed.

I think mainly it's closed so we have slightly better control of who is able to post and view, and the ability to bar anyone who isn't using the site in line with the principles of the LDWA (though I think this has only rarely - if ever - happened). I suspect also members may also feel slightly more comfortable using the FB "space" in the knowledge that only LDWA members can see what they are posting.
Author: Merrian Lancaster
Posted: Sun 8th May 2016, 14:07
Joined: 1996
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
Please would you explain why the ldwa facebook group is closed? Have other local groups had problems by being open?
Author: Jane Williams
Posted: Wed 6th Apr 2016, 21:42
Joined: 2013
Local Group: East Lancashire
Our social media presence is ever growing with 1189 Twitter followers and 4260 Facebook members. These sites are a great way to share experiences, photographs and advice. You can find our Twitter account @LDWA1 and on Facebook we are The Long Distance Walkers Association- closed group. There are also a number of local groups to follow and join.

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