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Discussion Forum - Events - UTMB/TDS/CCC/OCC/PTL

Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Sun 11th Sep 2016, 21:09
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
My video from last month's CCC event around Mont Blanc, France:
Author: Neil Bromley
Posted: Thu 8th Sep 2016, 21:17
Joined: 2002
Local Group: Heart of England
Wow! Really spectacular, John. Reminds me of the Rhondda Rollercoaster
Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Thu 8th Sep 2016, 15:59
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
My photos from last month's CCC event around Mont Blanc, France
Author: Jeff Campbell
Posted: Wed 31st Aug 2016, 16:05
Joined: 1984
Local Group: Surrey
Actually it seems there is no cost for an organisation registered (free of charge!) with the ITRA. I misread the details on their website. Of course it still takes some time to fill in the paperwork and send off a .gpx file of the route but an increasing number of European events do require some sort of proof to enable applicants to qualify. We do the same for the 100 - proof of completion of an event of 50 miles or more.
Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Tue 30th Aug 2016, 21:23
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
Jenny Bean and Jeff Campbell: The Valleys 100 gave 4 UTMB points and those are what I used to qualify for last week's CCC. Dave Morgan announced a while back that the LDWA would no longer participate in the UTMB system. Seems that it costs £100 for an organisation to participate.
Author: Phil Clarke
Posted: Tue 30th Aug 2016, 20:39
Joined: 1995
Local Group: Marches
Bottom line, not fit enough. You need to be able to run to make the early cut offs and my running has dropped off completely. If you can make the early cut offs it should be possible to hang on by walking the ups and jogging the downs, although try jogging 8 or 9 miles downhill!
Temperature didn't help, but ultimately need to be fitter.
Author: Michael Childs
Posted: Mon 29th Aug 2016, 21:03
Joined: 1990
Local Group: Dorset
I'm increasingly baffled by all these acronyms. It seems that more difficult and obscure the event, the less likely I am to find out what it is actually called, where it is, or what is involved . Probably just as well...
Author: Jeff Campbell
Posted: Mon 29th Aug 2016, 0:54
Joined: 1984
Local Group: Surrey
One thing to remember: qualification is required for entering any of these events (UTMB, CCC, TDS, etc.). Points are awarded based on the distance, difficulty, amount of ascent, amount of self-sufficiency, etc. over a 2 year period. Events such as the LDWA 100 should gain almost half the number of points required to enter the UTMB. Unfortunately, the system has recently changed such that the organisers of an event have to register with the ITRA (International Trail Running Association). There is a cost involved (I think 50 Euros) and understandably the LDWA would not be happy paying this unless, presumably, there was sufficient demand from members. I do all the LDWA 100s and last year a 108 mile event in France and would easily have clocked up sufficient points had the organisers registered. They hadn?t, so I was unable to enter the UTMB draw this time.

Only the event organisers can register with the ITRA ? individual entrants cannot do this. If others are interested in pursuing this, perhaps we could approach the LDWA committee and see if they could be persuaded to help? As the LDWA is a voluntary organisation I appreciate any additional tasks would be unwelcome, but looking at the ITRA?s website the application form does not seem too arduous to complete.

Author: Janet Pitt-Lewis
Posted: Sat 27th Aug 2016, 19:28
Joined: 1993
Local Group: Marches
Marches member Dave Webb finished the TDS 32 hours 5 minutes. Must have been a tough trip!
Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Sat 27th Aug 2016, 8:24
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
I managed to get to Champex Lac on the CCC yesterday (56kms) but t was timed out as I was 30 minutes over time. The heat was ridiculous, maybe 30+. I drank litres and litres of water but nothing came out the other end all day. That's it for me and the CCC now; just too hard.
Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Thu 25th Aug 2016, 8:41
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
On the TDS, out of 1600 runners, so far 760 have retired or been timed out. It must be hot out there.
Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Thu 25th Aug 2016, 8:33
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
Looks like Phil Clarke got timed out on the TDS after 9 hours.
I still have almost 24 hours to the start of the CCC.
Author: Phil Clarke
Posted: Fri 22nd Jul 2016, 15:32
Joined: 1995
Local Group: Marches
Hi John, the lady that I was walking with was only going as far as Craven Arms (she had a do to go to) and as CA is only 3 miles form home I decided that I would stop there also. We got to CA around 19.50 and I was home, showered and in my local with a pint just after 9!
So 40 miles over some tough terrain and finished off with a pint and a good nights sleep, I was happy with that.
What happened to you, leg playing up?
Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Tue 19th Jul 2016, 15:26
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
I have entered (and gained a place) in this year's CCC in Chamonix in August.
I know that Phil Clarke (what happened to you on the WOW, Phil?) has a place in the TDS.
Are there any other LDWA members with places in any of this year's races?

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