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Discussion Forum - Gear ! - Drones at Events

Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Fri 12th May 2017, 13:07
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
Another example of the danger of drones
Author: Michael Childs
Posted: Wed 3rd May 2017, 17:55
Joined: 1990
Local Group: Dorset
It would be faster if we use trained message carrying whippets for the straightforward A to B sections
Author: Helen Abbott
Posted: Wed 3rd May 2017, 13:17
Joined: 2010
Local Group: Thames Valley
Would that be Pigeon Activated Comms Eventually Received?
Shame it was not part of the system test.
Author: Simon Leck
Posted: Wed 3rd May 2017, 12:47
Joined: 1997
Local Group: Yorkshire Coast

Like idea of PACER using pigeons - the results would be live in a fortnight!
Author: Michael Childs
Posted: Wed 3rd May 2017, 8:16
Joined: 1990
Local Group: Dorset
Simon, those pigeons might be useful at checkpoints where the mobile reception is poor. Is it true that Yorkshire pigeons can also carry little cameras?
Author: Simon Leck
Posted: Tue 2nd May 2017, 12:44
Joined: 1997
Local Group: Yorkshire Coast
Hi John,

Don't worry we will not be flying any drones at this year's hundred. None of us know how to fly one. However someone releasing their pigeons is another story!
Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Mon 1st May 2017, 21:11
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
With the forthcoming Main 100 in the North York Moors I thought that it was about time to revisit this problem.
I don't know if the organisers have been contacted by any potential drone pilots who might be hoping to fly at the event on the next Bank Holiday.
I think it worth reiterating that there are no circumstances under which it would be legal for anybody to fly a drone anywhere at this event (see the earlier post for details).
If you see anybody attempting to do so then please ask them to refrain. If they insist on flying, then please video the flight and contact the police immediately to report illegal drone activity.

I had thought earlier of trying to get the Risk Assessment updated to include drones, but I just ran out of time. Maybe this can be added into future Risk Assessments?
Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Fri 23rd Sep 2016, 11:13
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
Drones at LDWA events were discussed earlier this year. I have just come across this blog from sussexsportsphotography with a pretty definitive view (from a commercial photographic company):
"Every now and again we get asked if we can take some drone footage, or why don't we use drones ?

The answer is simple - it's almost completely illegal to fly drones anywhere near events with any people involved or near a built up area.

I refer (of course) to the latest (August 2016) Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Air Navigation Order CAP393 - i.e. the Law - and specifically the bit about UAV's with video capability or what we call - Drones.

If you want to know the Law - Section 95 on page 49 is the bit you want (link below) []

It is nothing new, the last ANO had the same rules.

The summary is - you cannot fly them within 50meters of anyone, you cannot fly them overhead people, and you cannot fly them over vehicles, or buildings.
And if you're in a town or at an event where there are more than 1000 people (i.e. competitors+supporters) - then that distance is 150m away from people.
(That's pretty much every event we attend)

If anyone ever tells you "it's ok I've got permission" to fly one overhead or near to you - you know they are lying.

The CAA does issue "A Permission" license for Commercial use (you have to have one for commercial use) - but not for flying them illegally - all the flight rules still apply!
The CAA almost never issue permisison for dangerous (close) flying - even on private property the law still applies.

If the Event organisers give you permission to fly your drone - they don't have the authority to override the law.
If the local council say that it's ok - they don't have the authority to override the law.
No insurance documents will give you permission to ignore the law and the insurance will be invalid if you do.

The only decent drone footage that is legal that I have seen has been either from the official distance when the UAV/drone has been out at sea or in an estuary looking back at land or countryside footage on the south downs from the safe working distance of 50m - the main point there was they were far away from roads, buildings and the competitors.

And if the drone pilot says that "it's ok - everyone is under our control" - the definition of control is that everyone is being paid to be there i.e. actors and it is a secure area with no members of the public (i.e on set). No Race or Event we have ever been to would ever fall into the definition of the people there being under any sort of control or a secure area.

So - next time you see a drone flying and swooping about an event, taking amazing and self-inciminating footage - you'll know the score.

Here's a great video from the CAA - which states all this much more simply: []

So to answer the question why don't we use drones ? They're dangerous, need "A permission" for commercial use, can't be flown at most of the places that races take place at (built up areas), and 50m is too far away even if we could.

Next time you see some aerial footage - see if you can work out if it's legal or not (i.e. self incriminating) !!!

Basically I don't want a 1.5kg lump "landing" on my head at an event with rotating cutting things - and neither do you.
FWIW They can travel at 45miles per hour and they can fall sideways out of the sky - so if you're wondering why it's 50m separation - that's why.

So please be aware and report any illegal drone activity when you see it at events, and if you have one - keep them a long long way away from us !

Thank you. "

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