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Discussion Forum - The Bothy - Dogs on group walks

Author: Dr. John Batham
Posted: Thu 15th Dec 2016, 13:03
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Yorkshire
I got into lots of aggro when I put out some advice, mostly from the Association's insurers, a few years ago but the way I now interpret the guidelines is that the walk leader must have overall responsibility and, ultimately, the yes/no decision since he/she will (mostly) have reconnoitered the route and will know of dog no-goes such as nesting birds, precipitous cliffs, cows with calves, bulls etc. The use of "Registered Assistance Dogs only" is an attempt to comply with hazy laws pertaining to disabled people and their rights to enjoy outdoor activities. A large helping of common sense is needed I guess.

I confess to being somewhat frosty towards our best friends until I got my Norfolk/Border cross terrier Gizmo (who I haven't yet tried out on a 20-miler) - now of course, I think dogs are just wonderful! Hypocrite you say - spot on!
Author: Iain Connell
Posted: Tue 13th Dec 2016, 11:54
Joined: 2010
Local Group: East Lancashire
Since the LDWA guidelines document (see Mike Childs entry below) is clear in its statement that:

"The decision to allow dogs on walks rests with the walk leader or walk organiser",

it might (repeat MIGHT) be against National Committee policy (or, more widely, guidance) for local groups to preface their walks listings with a general "Registered assistance dogs only allowed on walks" clause (and neither North Yorkshire or Northumbria group currently do that), unless all the walk leaders in that listing have agreed it. Such a local group policy might be subject to discussion with prospective walk leaders, and agreed at group meetings or AGMs.

In my own case, I like dogs but would NOT take one on group walks except under certain restricted conditions such as those addressed in the National Committee guidelines, with which I broadly agree and have previously written about (see the earlier Bothy entries titled "Dogs"). When asked, I have generally but (I hope) politely declined to allow dogs on walks which I have lead, unless they (the dog, not the owner) are COLI (Chipped, On a Lead, Insured). This is my view (and acronym !), however, not local (North Yorkshire) group policy.

The 'dogs on group walks' issue has been very well voiced, not always even-handedly but with a clear outcome which is summed up in the guidelines previously mentioned. There may, however, be a point regarding general statements by local group organisers rather than individual walk leaders, and that is the ONLY 'dogs on walks' issue which, in my view, warrants further discussion.

Author: Michael Childs
Posted: Mon 12th Dec 2016, 14:46
Joined: 1990
Local Group: Dorset
It is worth reading this guidance
Author: Alan Burkill
Posted: Sat 10th Dec 2016, 5:29
Joined: 2015
Local Group: North Yorkshire

I've bean a LDWA member for 2 years. I've entered 4 or 5 Challenge events. But I've never bean on a group walk with my home group. Cleveland. Or any of my local groups because of the "No Dogs" Or "Dogs on leads" policy. I have a Springier Spaniel they don't "want" and shouldn't be on a lead because they need to exercise also, as long as they are in control.

Come one guys, Don't tell me long distance walkers don't have dogs?

I'd love to meet/walk with people from my local groups, Cleveland, Northumberland & North Yorkshire. But Not if it's anti dog. I get enough of that in the village I live.

I understand there will be times dogs are NOT allowed.

In short It's Me & dog or not at all. But Please.

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