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Discussion Forum - Gear ! - 2017 Handheld GPS

Author: Deborah Metters
Posted: Fri 18th Aug 2017, 13:14
Joined: 2016
Local Group: London
I have one of these with the Platinum map pack (Landranger, Explorer and street level). I found the software very easy to use and it's easy to get routes onto the unit.
Author: Helen Strong
Posted: Wed 12th Apr 2017, 10:34
Joined: 2016
Local Group: Kent
I was looking at buying a hand held GPS but decided to try something else first. If your wife has a fairly up to date smart phone, have you considered the OS maps app and premium membership? This is around £20 p.a.
I have been using this app since January and it hasn't let me down. I can create routes online to follow them using the app, track routes and print off the OS maps in A4 size. I can also easily upload other gpx files not greated by me from websites and blogs.
In terms of battery life, I take a power bank with me which deals with that. I also received a free dry case with my membership, so I can use my phone whatever the weather.
I have met people who have been gifted a handheld gps, but find them difficult to get to grips with. The OS maps app is user friendly in my opinion.
Author: Peter Steckles
Posted: Sat 25th Feb 2017, 21:26
Joined: 1998
Local Group: East Lancashire
Now I know how to use it a little better, I am warming to my SatMap. Mine is a 10, and the newer version is a 12.

Not the cheapest, but I like it :)
Author: Ben Cooley
Posted: Sun 12th Feb 2017, 18:25
Joined: 2005
Local Group: Mid Wales
Cotswold have had a great offer on a Garmin GPS64 which includes full U.K. Mapping at 1:50k - £275. I borrowed one from a friend and used it on Dorset 100, Across Wales Walk and the recent King Offa's Twisted Kanter. A fantastic piece of kit in my view. Now trying to convince my mate (who doesn't really use it) to sell it to me at an even better price.
Author: James Pearson
Posted: Sun 12th Feb 2017, 17:32
Joined: 2016
Local Group: Wiltshire
Hi all.

Some advice if you don't mind. I am looking for a GPS (handheld) for my wife (and me if I go out with her) that will have UK mapping. I have about £3/400 to spend. I see lots of Garmin's but what one or are there other brands out there.

Any help and comments are appreciated. Her first long walk on her own will be the Bath Beat in April.



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