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Discussion Forum - The Bothy - Medial Ligament

Author: Stuart Dodson
Posted: Thu 25th May 2017, 11:01
Joined: 1993
Local Group: Lincolnshire
Make sure you have the diagnosis right; then plenty of advice on Youtube and the internet. A visit to a sports therapist would be best -they understand sports people want to get back to their sport quickly.
Author: Robert Davies
Posted: Mon 6th Mar 2017, 9:26
Joined: 1998
Local Group: Mid Wales
Is there anybody suffering from medial ligament pain and can give me some advice on how to cure it!
I have always had some tightens in my left thigh after a long walk of 20 miles or more resulting in some pain on the inside of my left knee.
On last years Across Wales Walk although painful I was able to finish the 50miles but was in a lot of pain for a few week afterwards.
Recently this tightness and knee pain has been coming on after about 15miles!! Which is not ideal for this years 100.
Any help and advice would be appreciated.
Rob Davies

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