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Discussion Forum - Hundreds - qualifying events

Author: Michael Childs
Posted: Thu 30th Aug 2018, 18:20
Joined: 1990
Local Group: Dorset
Hi David, both the Winter Poppyline and Dorset Giant are on the list of qualifying events for the Hadrian Hundred 2019. I missed them at first because you need to scroll down the list until 2019 comes up.
Author: David J Hooper
Posted: Thu 30th Aug 2018, 8:42
Joined: 1987
Local Group: Cornwall & Devon
I may have missed this but are Winter Poppyline and Dorset Giant going to be added as qualifiers?
Author: Alan Warrington
Posted: Fri 10th Aug 2018, 9:52
Joined: 1979
Local Group: Thames Valley
To be crystal clear - All future enquiries relating to individual HH potential event qualification should be directed to both Tony and Janet whose contact details are on the HH website and not requested on this forum. Likewise for all future 100s enquiries should be direct to the relevant event secretary.
Obviously the association would love to see a full event year on year. However, some requests may not meet basic criteria which evolved over many years and is the minimum we would expect.

Alan Warrington
100's Co-ordinator
Author: Tony Deall
Posted: Thu 9th Aug 2018, 23:16
Joined: 1985
Local Group: Cumbria
Things have changed quite rapidly over the last few weeks with regard to qualifying events.
After discussion with the HH Committee and the NEC it is currently agreed that I will be the initial point of contact for all queries regarding this.
Author: Paul John Nellist
Posted: Thu 9th Aug 2018, 22:02
Joined: 2004
Local Group: Northumbria
Author: Bill Milbourne
Posted: Thu 28th Jun 2018, 11:57
Joined: 1996
Local Group: Northumbria
The qualification criteria and the list of eligible events are decided by the National Executive Committee. Please don't try to argue about them with Northumbria Group. We wont enter into a discussion on this topic

This from the secretary of Northumbria Group.
So why are non National Executive Committee members still debating this on this forum.
Author: Ian Brazier
Posted: Tue 7th Aug 2018, 9:41
Joined: 2013
Local Group: Essex & Herts
Thanks Tony...

As I said I'd much prefer to do a LDWA event as the qualifier so will probably wait till Winter Poppyline again and fingers crossed there are places still.

Totally agree on SDW50 as thats a marked route (sorry forgot), about the Lakeland 100 though, yes it does link up with the 50 which takes the event total over the "500 rule" but this isn't until 59 miles most of which are over night in darkness and all unmarked...

Not an easy task to manage all the questions though so I don't envy you....
Author: Tony Deall
Posted: Sat 4th Aug 2018, 20:04
Joined: 1985
Local Group: Cumbria
Hi Ian,
Apologies for the delay in replying.
The issue of qualifying events is proving to be a little difficult and complicated.
This is largely due to the profusion of trail and ultra running events which are now available.
We don?t want to deter valid entries nor do we want the core of LDWA walkers to be submerged by a large number of non members looking for a different challenge.

The current list of qualifying events is partly historical and probably not perfect but it is the base from which we are starting.
It would arguably be nice to insist on a pure LDWA event only but we do not intend to go down that line.

As the entry process proceeds we are willing to look at other suggested events on their own merits.

The current criteria include the following - an individual event of at least 50 miles mainly off road with an overnight navigation section over a largely unmarked course and completed after the 1st January 2018. The NEC also stipulate a maximum of 500 entrants for environmental reasons.

With regards to the Lakeland 100 this fails due to the number of entrants which when included with the Lakeland 50 with which it runs concurrently allows far more than 500 entrants.
The South Downs 50 is billed as a marked course and does not have a significant night section so, unfortunately, will also not qualify.

Hope that helps though I?m sure there is a lot more mileage in this discussion!
Author: Ian Brazier
Posted: Fri 3rd Aug 2018, 7:20
Joined: 2013
Local Group: Essex & Herts

I've finished South Downs Way 50 and the Lakeland 100 (both less than 500 entries each). Does this count please?

I will try to fit in a qualifier on the list if I can but 2018 is proving difficult..


Author: David Webster
Posted: Wed 11th Jul 2018, 20:18
Joined: 2017
Local Group: South Wales
Thanks Alan. Looking forward to it.
Author: Alan Warrington
Posted: Wed 11th Jul 2018, 13:32
Joined: 1979
Local Group: Thames Valley
Yes, it will be.
Good luck and hope to see you on the start line of Y100 Sir Fynwy in 2020.
Author: David Webster
Posted: Sun 8th Jul 2018, 20:17
Joined: 2017
Local Group: South Wales
Is the Shropshire Way 80k on 6th April 2019 likely to be a qualifying event for Y 100 Sir Fynwy in 2020? Entries open next week so useful to know if event is eligible.
Author: Tony Deall
Posted: Sun 8th Jul 2018, 7:32
Joined: 1985
Local Group: Cumbria
Indeed it will for those willing to leave it late in the day.
Remember it?s not possible to enter on the basis of a ?qualifier to come?.
Author: Janet Pitt-Lewis
Posted: Sat 7th Jul 2018, 21:41
Joined: 1993
Local Group: Marches
I see that the Shropshire Way 80Km which was a qualifier for the Cinque Ports is taking place in 2019 - date the 6th April. Entries open Monday. I assume that this will be a qualifier
Author: Tony Deall
Posted: Sat 7th Jul 2018, 18:17
Joined: 1985
Local Group: Cumbria
Hello Beverley,
Relying on the Dorset Giant is a bit risky!
It?s around the time entries close and the Event may well be full by then.
Perhaps you should try to do an earlier qualifier.
Author: Beverley Smith
Posted: Sat 7th Jul 2018, 4:01
Joined: 2017
Local Group: Dorset
Can you tell me how quickly the 100 events usually fill up please?
I was thinking about the Dorset giant as the qualifier but concerned the 100 might already be full by then.
Author: Tony Deall
Posted: Thu 28th Jun 2018, 23:36
Joined: 1985
Local Group: Cumbria
If your event ticks all the boxes as you say let?s know what it is.
We can always try and intercede on your behalf!

Author: Graham James
Posted: Thu 28th Jun 2018, 12:24
Joined: 2013
Local Group: Wessex
Does this mean that there is no point in asking for consideration of an event not on the list? I am disappointed to note that an event I have previously used as a qualifier, which appears to me to tick all the boxes (>50 miles, off-road, not marked, <500 entrants) is apparently not acceptable.
Author: Bill Milbourne
Posted: Thu 28th Jun 2018, 11:57
Joined: 1996
Local Group: Northumbria
The qualification criteria and the list of eligible events are decided by the National Executive Committee. Please don't try to argue about them with Northumbria Group. We wont enter into a discussion on this topic
Author: Bill Milbourne
Posted: Thu 28th Jun 2018, 9:42
Joined: 1996
Local Group: Northumbria
The only events that will be considered at the moment are as listed on the website. The criteria for eligible events is also set out and the Lakeland 50 does not comply with them. There are more than 500 entrants and it less than 50 miles
Author: Beverley Smith
Posted: Wed 27th Jun 2018, 23:13
Joined: 2017
Local Group: Dorset
I just wondered if the qualifying events were only those listed?
I'm taking part in the Lakeland 50 event next month and wondered if that would count?
Author: David Morgan
Posted: Fri 8th Sep 2017, 16:11
Joined: 1994
Local Group: South Wales
Hi John, It was.
But it wasn't just the issue of mis-counting people in the event. This whole experience provided us with food for thought and we concluded that where there were areas we could improve our duty of care, then we would do so holistically as opposed to concentrating on one issue.

So, the issue of safety was discussed.
When we took advice, part of that advice concentrated on kit carried. Mr Belfield died of exposure, so that is why the kit required concentrates on mitigating the risk of exposure to entrants. The advice received also required the organiser to ensure that all were carrying that kit. That is why the kit check is undertaken. I have written guidelines to organisers on how the kit check might be conducted and the pros and cons of each approach. The style of kit check is never stipulated and is down to the organiser as they are the ones responsible for the safety of the event.

Finally, the association cannot acquiesce and allow an entrant to continue if they fail to have the required kit. But, it is physically impossible to stop someone walking on. An entrant would be advised of the fact that they have been Retired / DQd, asked to return to Walk HQ and if they refuse would be advised that they will be reported to the Hundred Review Group. Then they might face a sanction depending on the circumstances which might include being barred from next year's event. They will of course have the right of appeal as laid down in the bylaws of the association.

But, we have to understand that this is a modern approach to safety, and those of us who are prepared to put ourselves forward as organisers need to have protection from potential litigation. I hate that word, but it's a modern fact of life. We have to deal with it.


David Morgan
100 Coordinator
Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Wed 6th Sep 2017, 9:31
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
Is this the death being referred to?
The problem in this case seems to have been a failure to know how many competitors were taking part, not their lack of experience.
Is there another case involving the Fell Runners Association?
Author: Bryan Thorpe
Posted: Wed 23rd Aug 2017, 20:24
Joined: 2020
Local Group: North Yorkshire
Since 2005 things have moved on, there have been a number of deaths on events which have ended up in coroners courts. As organisers we have to ensure that we have carried out ?due diligence? with regards to the suitability of entrants for events.
The officials of the Fell Runners Association had a pretty torrid time with a coroner.
It is a fact of modern life that if something goes wrong society thinks someone must be to blame. I don?t like too many rules and regulations however I wouldn?t like to stand in front of a coroner, a smart solicitor or a grieving family and try to explain what ?common sense? I had used when allowing someone into an event who had not completed a suitable qualifier. It?s frustrating but in reality organisers have to prove they have taken all suitable safety measures hence a list of qualifiers, and robust kit checks and the rest.
Author: John Owen
Posted: Wed 23rd Aug 2017, 8:43
Joined: 1994
Local Group: Heart of England
Again with reference to qualifying events and a subject I had previously asked about back in 2015, which I didn't get an answer back on for what ever reason, what happened to the "good old common sense" approach as strider 101 page 7 IF there are places available on a 100 and for what ever reason a qualifying event hasn't been able to be achieved BY a multiple 100 completer why would places be left vacated ,its not as if the probably small minority "don't know what its all about" , the strider back in 2005 suggests discretion to be shown if places are available once all other ballots, etc etc have been completed.
I know what the rules are and this message is not attempting to sway the rules but in this case this doesn't make sense to me.
Author: Phyl Butler
Posted: Sat 19th Aug 2017, 23:06
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Kent
At present the Hundred routes are very much a work in progress. We know where the walk will go but the details still need a lot of work.

I suspect that there will be minor changes almost up to the start of the walks! People move thing like styles so we have to keep on top of this and modify the Route Descriptions according ly.

I am not expecting to have anything that we can publish until late in the year, sorry.
Author: Keir Williams
Posted: Sun 13th Aug 2017, 21:19
Joined: 2017
Local Group: Kent
Hi Philip

Do you have an idea of when the route details will be availble please?
Author: Phyl Butler
Posted: Wed 2nd Aug 2017, 22:14
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Kent
I forgot!
You can also put any questions on this forum, I look at it most days.
Author: Phyl Butler
Posted: Mon 31st Jul 2017, 14:22
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Kent
Please note:

All enquiries about the Cinque Ports Hundred should be sent to me at Alternatively you can 'phone me on 07803 051 625.
To be complete my address is:
The Boatyard
High Street
Author: Phyl Butler
Posted: Mon 31st Jul 2017, 14:11
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Kent
The ridgeway event is definitely not acceptable as a qualifying event for the Cinque Ports Hundred because it is way-marked. However qualifying events are not restricted to our list. A suitable event must have the following features:
1 Over fifty miles in length
2 Involve walking at night
3 Require route finding
It is up to you to demonstrate that the event that you with to use as a qualifier meets these requirements and that you have completed it.
Phyl BUTLER, Eventries Secretary, Cinque Ports Hundred.
Author: John Owen
Posted: Thu 27th Jul 2017, 7:10
Joined: 1994
Local Group: Heart of England
Thanks for that info , I don't believe the ridgeway challenge is the "charity" event you refer to and is organised by the Trail Running Ass, however I will contact the guy whos name you have forwarded and discuss with him.
(I have done multiple LDWA 100,s before as a side note)
Author: Peter Jull
Posted: Wed 26th Jul 2017, 16:40
Joined: 2011
Local Group: Kent
If the event you refer to is the Sense charity The Ridge Walk, online information indicates that the route is waymarked and therefore does not meet the navigation requirement to qualify. If you refer to a different event or there was no waymarking please contact the entries secretary Phyl Butler with some evidential information.

Peter Jull
CP100 Committee
Author: John Owen
Posted: Mon 24th Jul 2017, 11:50
Joined: 1994
Local Group: Heart of England
would The ridgeway event (86 mile) be considered as a qualifying event or is it strictly the list posted ?

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