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Discussion Forum - Notice Board - DD forms online

Author: Steph Carter
Posted: Fri 17th Nov 2017, 16:06
Joined: 2011
Local Group: North Yorkshire
Sorry Jo, but we do not have the facility to set up Direct Debits Electronically. Our bank regard us as too small to "sponsor" us to set up electronic DDs. (What probably also doesn't help is the fact that we have no business premises, and, unlike paper Direct Debits, where the banks take on the liability for any problems, it is the company in receipt of the payments for electronic DDs)
To set up a DD you will have to do it the traditional way - using a paper form which you can print off from here
- then fill it out and post it to me as membership Secretary (my address is on the form)
Sorry it's a little bit of a hassle, but a little hassle for you saves weeks of cumulative hassle for me, because in future years managing your renewal is almost resource free for me if you pay by Direct Debit. Other payment methods take me about 2.5 minutes.... it doesn't sound much, but with 9000 renewals to process it would multiply up to 10 weeks of full time work (fortunately is is not as bad as that because currently about 6,170 members already help me out by paying be DD).
To answer the other part of your post- now that we are past mid November you should be able to log on and renew for next year by card- that wasn't possible until now, as if people renew early it causes me problems- everything needs to be done sequentially for the process to work, and renewals need to start after I have prepared the Strider Distribution lists.

Steph Carter (posting as current Membership Secretary)
Author: Jo Johnstone
Posted: Thu 16th Nov 2017, 20:53
Joined: 2011
Local Group: South Wales
Looking to set up a dd online. Thought this was available to do from today?

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