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Discussion Forum - Hundreds - Hadrian Hundred

Author: John Esslemont
Posted: Fri 31st May 2019, 12:11
Joined: 1999
Local Group: Thames Valley
I normally avoid forums and social media but, in this case, the "elderly male walker" (in the words of Penrith Mountain Rescue Team as posted on Facebook) evacuated from Great Dun Fell wishes to take every opportunity to thank those who helped him or who have enquired after his welfare. By the time I got to Carlisle Hospital I was almost recovered from hypothermia and, after a brief stay to be checked by a doctor, was back at Hexham by the early evening and safely home before the last finishers were back at Hexham on Monday morning. The only after-effects are bruised pride and the realisation that, without the help of several very kind people, I would have got off far less lightly.
Author: Paul Gibbs
Posted: Fri 31st May 2019, 10:44
Joined: 2008
Local Group: Dorset
A huge THANK YOU from me to all those who organised the event, and also to all the checkpointers and other helpers who made it happen and kept us going in all that rain and wind. The catering was great, the snackpacks worked for me, and the planning, waymarking and motivation at Greg's hut was brilliant. A very memorable event. Thank you.
Author: Marian White
Posted: Fri 31st May 2019, 6:23
Joined: 2011
Local Group: Marches
My first 100 but hopefully not last, and a memorable one. Like many others, when the route was announced I knew it would be special. As it turned out the views were often hiding but Garrigill to Dufton was epic for different reasons. We inevitably remember best those who helped us when we needed it most - in my case the kindness of the volunteers at Allendale Town as rolled around on their floor stretching out my back, and the team at Greenridge Farm who were welcoming and funny but left you in no doubt that you would of course get to Hexham now. Thanks to all the hundreds of helpers, and huge respect to Bill Milbourne.
Author: Andy Hoddle
Posted: Wed 29th May 2019, 14:17
Joined: 2013
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
Hi Ian, I spent most of the South Tyne Trail looking for red squirrels, and consequently it passed in a flash.
Unfortunately I never saw any. I dont know if anyone else did? (or even looked?)
Author: Ian Hull
Posted: Mon 27th May 2019, 22:53
Joined: 2005
Local Group: South Pennine
A big THANK YOU to all those on the organising committee who gave up a considerable amount of their time in the past three years or so for enabling the Hadrian 100 to be staged : your efforts are greatly appreciated for putting on a super event . Also thanks to those who marshalled during the event , some of whom made very long journeys from Scotland, the South West, South Wales & Wiltshire for example to look after us at CPs.

The overnight conditions on Cross Fell then replayed all over again on High Cup Nick in driving rain , thick cloud , 30-40 mph swirling winds , almost zero visibility with little hint of an onward path & the torchlight beam being reflected back even at ground level was some of the most challenging (micro) navigation I have done . Given the conditions not surprising the withdrawals were around 38% with some retracing their steps to the sanctuary of the Garrigill CP than go over Cross Fell . Thank goodness for GPS !!!

Nevertheless there were many stunning visual highlights : the Hadrian's Wall / Roman Military Way part, the lovely burn into Haltwhistle ,the route thru isolated Weardale & then the moorland before the final CP : well done to whoever flagged this ! Just don't mention the South Tyne Trail , OMG was it a relief to reach Alston !!! The Hadrian 100 was certainly a challenge in every positive respect & as always epitomised everything that's special & brilliant about the LDWA pulling together .
Author: David Wainwright
Posted: Thu 23rd May 2019, 20:25
Joined: 2013
Local Group: Cornwall & Devon
Hi. starting the very lloonnggg drive north from Devon first thing so just wanted to say a huge BEST OF LUCK to all taking part in the Hadrian Hundred this weekend.

And also while I am still in a state to remember, an equally huge THANK YOU to the organisers, marshals and checkpoint angels who's hard work allows this wonderful event to take place at all! You are all superstars!
Author: Bill Milbourne
Posted: Thu 16th May 2019, 11:52
Joined: 1996
Local Group: Northumbria
Seems like a good plan Patrick. Don't forget to tell people your new start time when you register
Author: Patrick Barry
Posted: Thu 16th May 2019, 7:53
Joined: 2018
Local Group: South Manchester
We are going to go with 13:00 start.
Author: Patrick Barry
Posted: Wed 15th May 2019, 17:27
Joined: 2018
Local Group: South Manchester
My intention was to start this even at 14:00 but I have noticed that the first checkpoint closes at 15:15. That means I would need to be doing the first 9km in 75 minutes, while I could do it, it would be lot faster than I would like to be going this early in a long event. The second CP is pretty tight as well, after that I am OK. How strict are those CP closing times?
Author: Alan Warrington
Posted: Fri 3rd May 2019, 19:41
Joined: 1979
Local Group: Thames Valley
Alas my order made and paid for on 03rd April still has not arrived! :-(
Author: Madeleine Watson
Posted: Fri 3rd May 2019, 17:28
Joined: 2002
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Mark - my top has just arrived. No it's not wonky! It came in less than a week - I had assumed I'd left it too late for this weekend. Very pleased.
Author: David Wainwright
Posted: Fri 3rd May 2019, 7:34
Joined: 2013
Local Group: Cornwall & Devon
Very best wishes to all on the Marshalls Event, if you can clear any pebbles and twiggs off the path as you go along that would be marvellous!

Oh and a big thank you in advance to all the hard working souls behind this wonderful event. The exchanges on the forum can be a little tense in the run up to the event but I know that very very many appreciate all the hard work care and dedication you put into making things happen!!
Author: Mark Edwards
Posted: Thu 2nd May 2019, 15:05
Joined: 1980
Local Group: Merseystride
Mine's just arrived - but do others have a badge that looks as wonky as mine? See photo here
Author: Roma Haigh
Posted: Thu 2nd May 2019, 13:17
Joined: 2014
Local Group: North Yorkshire
Hi All - GET YOUR MERCHANDISE IN TIME TO WEAR . Have just confirmed that LAST ORDER DATE for merchandise to wear on main event is 17.00 WEDNESDAY 15th MAY 2019. Any orders after that time/date may not arrive in time to be worn on 25th May. You are of course welcome to order after the event/completion and orders will be sent as soon as possible. Roma
Author: Shirley Hume
Posted: Mon 29th Apr 2019, 21:47
Joined: 1980
Local Group: South Wales
Don't worry Dave, I'll also be 'wearing the green', but like you was hoping to wear the HH gear on the plane home - fingers crossed it appears in the next two days. Weather is indeed looking excellent, if a tad chilly at night. Have just worked out how to switch on the new torch............
Author: David Morgan
Posted: Mon 29th Apr 2019, 19:38
Joined: 1994
Local Group: South Wales
Club colours for me for the walk and event T-shirt on a successful completion!!
See you all on Saturday. Forecast looks good too!!
Author: Shirley Hume
Posted: Mon 29th Apr 2019, 17:23
Joined: 1980
Local Group: South Wales
I was hoping to wear mine this weekend on the Marshals, but no sign of it yet. If anyone wants it for the main event you need to order straight away - it is taking over 3 weeks.
Author: Roma Haigh
Posted: Mon 29th Apr 2019, 16:17
Joined: 2014
Local Group: North Yorkshire
Dear all Hadrian Hundred participators - don't forget to get your merchandise in 2 great shades - blue and gold. I have been told of some striking combinations to be worn such a leopard tights and gold top which should look really good on the Northumbria/Cumberland/County Durham hills. Please note that the merchandise will be available on line after the event for those who want to buy after completion - but great to buy now and wear it on the day ???
All the best . Roma
Author: Tony Deall
Posted: Fri 19th Jan 2018, 21:46
Joined: 1985
Local Group: Cumbria
Yes - the Bullock Smithy is on our list as it was last year for the Cinque Ports 100.
The date is 1st/2nd September 2018 -

There is also a new event organised by North West Grampian group which is a qualifier.
It is the Loch o'Moray 50 mile Challenge on 6th/7th October 2018 -
Author: Phil Bedson
Posted: Wed 17th Jan 2018, 23:13
Joined: 2012
Local Group: East Lancashire
Is the Bullock Smithy Hike at the start of September still ok as a Qualifier??
Author: Tony Deall
Posted: Thu 4th Jan 2018, 22:04
Joined: 1985
Local Group: Cumbria
I have heard that the Red Rose 50 is now definitely on - the date is 15th/16th September 2018 and hosted by East Lancs group
Author: Iain Connell
Posted: Thu 4th Jan 2018, 10:58
Joined: 2010
Local Group: East Lancashire
Apologies for the previous 'blank' entry!

Thanks to David and all for the clarifications.

Unless I'm further mistaken, the 16-month prior-to-hundred period means that qualifying events between January and April inclusive of any year occur not once but twice, giving prospective applicants a second 'go' at completing a 'late' 50.

In this case, the two events in March and April of 2019:
1. Shropshire Way 80K
2. Wye Forest 50
may still be qualifiers for the Hadrian's Hundred 2019, providing that (a) they are repeated at the same time in that year, and (b) there are places still available on the 2019 hundred at that late stage.

This after considering the best time of year for a 50+, which now appears to be the Spring rather than the Autumn.

Author: Iain Connell
Posted: Thu 4th Jan 2018, 10:38
Joined: 2010
Local Group: East Lancashire
Author: David Findel-Hawkins
Posted: Thu 4th Jan 2018, 9:57
Joined: 1980
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
As well as those events already listed the following are likely to be included as qualifiers for the Hadrian Hundred.

Red Rose 50 15/16 Sept
Longmynd Hike early Oct
Round Rotherham 20 Oct
Author: David Morgan
Posted: Wed 3rd Jan 2018, 19:18
Joined: 1994
Local Group: South Wales
Hi Iain,

Rule 4.3 of the standardised 100 rules says,

4.3 Provide evidence of having completed an event of at least 50 miles, or completion of 50 miles of an event of longer than 50 miles, after (1ST JANUARY OF PRECEDING YEAR).

Tony has correctly outlined that the clock is ticking. My post simply provides the wording used. And, to my knowledge, having spent many hours reviewing and modernising the rules last year, this phrase has always been used which means that the qualifying period has always been 17 months!

The Facebook thread has identified another qualifying event that is yet to be advertised and will be based in North West Grampian in October. So, plenty of choice!


Author: Shirley Hume
Posted: Wed 3rd Jan 2018, 17:48
Joined: 1980
Local Group: South Wales
The closing date for entries to the Cinque Ports is 16th April 2018, so Fellsman is not a valid qualifier
Author: Iain Connell
Posted: Wed 3rd Jan 2018, 11:26
Joined: 2010
Local Group: East Lancashire
Yes that does appear to be correct, namely that the qualifying period for a hundred is (now?) the previous Jan to Dec to May, rather than the previous 'year' (May to May). Perhaps it always was like that, in which case I've mis-read it !.

In this case, then, shouldn't the early-2018 qualifiers for the Cinque Ports 2018:

include no. 3 (The Fellsman) ? (Currently it's: Hardmoors 55, Shropshire Way 80k, Wye Forest 50).

Author: Tony Deall
Posted: Wed 3rd Jan 2018, 10:48
Joined: 1985
Local Group: Cumbria
That is correct.
The qualifying period for the Hadrian Hundred commenced on 1st January 2018 - the clock is ticking!
Author: Iain Connell
Posted: Wed 3rd Jan 2018, 10:07
Joined: 2010
Local Group: East Lancashire
Thanks David, good to have advance notice. But shouldn't the first three (March and April 2018):

1. Shropshire Way 80K 03.18
2. Wye Forest 50 04.18
3. The 56th Fellsman 04.18

be prefaced by a reminder that they need to be completed within a *year* before the event, so wouldn't be qualifiers for the Hadrian Hundred (but would be for the Cinque Ports Hundred) ?

Unless the qualifier conditions have changed to include any 50 or 50+ in the previous Jan to Dec to May (in this case Jan 2018 to May 2019) ?

Author: David Morgan
Posted: Tue 2nd Jan 2018, 19:39
Joined: 1994
Local Group: South Wales
With seventeen months to go to Hadrian Hundred, those who are considering what qualifying events are available might be interested in the following list. There are other 50 mile events that are not yet advertised and will also be within this time frame. This list has simply been taken from the LDWA Challenge Events listings.

Why are we advertising now?
To enable people to plan and not leave it until the last minute. Seventeen months is a long time to get that qualifying event completed.

1. Shropshire Way 80K 17/18.03.18
2. Wye Forest 50 14/15.04.18
3. The 56th Fellsman 28/29.04.18
4. Cinque Ports 100 Marshals? 05/07.05.18
5. Cinque Ports 100 26/28.05.18
6. Wenlock Olympian Walk 30.06.18-01.07.18
7. A Foot In Two Dales 07/08.07.18
8. Herts Stroller 11/12.08.18
9. White Cliffs Challenge 26/27.08.18

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