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Discussion Forum - Gear ! - Bunions

Author: Elton Ellis
Posted: Fri 16th Feb 2018, 15:17
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Surrey
I get bunions from shoes and boots which are too narrow, and from nothing else. Once I switch to a wider fit, they die away. Temporary solutions are felt (best) or foam (adequate for a while) rings, centred on the bunion. I hold them in place with a strip of zinc oxide tape.

If your feet are too numb to feel (and anyway problems like bunion pain sometimes come only after 20 miles or so, or, once bunions are present, are tender and painful at the slightest touch), try the theoretical route.

Measure your foot width by tracing the outline on a sheet of A4 paper, or rather get someone to do it for you as your foot needs to be loaded with your body weight to give the ?in use? width. Then check your width and length against what is shown on manufacturers? websites. You may have to search around to find this info.

I use New Balance 2E width, and find them fine, but NB are moving out of the walking: trail field and concentrating on running: road, field and track. Other manufacturers do offer wider fit shoes, but, confusingly, not using a standard width designation. Some use 2E, some W, others just say ?Wide fit,? yet others something else.

In my experience, you need to go for a shoe/boot that is specified as wide, and not rely on someone saying that a particular company?s ?standard width boots are wider than normal.? Also getting a shoe fitter to steam or otherwise manipulate the leather on a standard width shoe/boot to widen it is not a long term solution. The leather shrinks back eventually. Remember that the distances we walk are three or four times what the normal (in both senses) mountain shop customer walks. What might be all right for 10 -15 miles may not be all right for 30 - 45 miles, let alone the Hundred.

No experience with Whalleys, sorry.

Good luck
Author: John King
Posted: Sat 10th Feb 2018, 19:47
Joined: 2002
Hanwag Alta Bunnion boots work very well for me.
Author: Nicky Wood
Posted: Sat 10th Feb 2018, 12:44
Joined: 1993
Local Group: Lakeland
I know, a really cheerful topic for a Saturday morning.

But a bit of help needed, as this is feeling like a threat to my happiness. After 25 years of trouble free walking my little tootsies are getting a bit hammered. Not aided by the chemo four years ago which has left me with "no sense and no feeling" in my toes and some veeeery strange toe nails. And now I can feel some pain which may well be the start of a bunion on one foot. A bit of pain in the area where bunions grow and my next toe getting a bit of overlap tells me I'm in trouble. And when I go to buy boots and the staff ask "how does that feel" I have to say - "absolutely no idea" - which doesn't help and can become expensive!

A lovely podiatrist is coming to my house on Monday to talk to me about my feet. Hopefully she will advise I can keep them.........:-)

But seriously, anyone else got problems of this nature and found solutions. In particular keen to hear if people have tried Whalley Warm and Dry service as they seem to have a good fitting service. And any makes of boots people with buions have found useful. I think my fabric Meindle boots which got shrunk after getting wet may be the culprits (although I did love them so....)

Cheers everyone, happy walking.

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