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Discussion Forum - Gear ! - Magnets and compasses

Author: Stephen Marston
Posted: Fri 16th Feb 2018, 9:55
Joined: 2017
Local Group: South of Scotland
As a person that has never owned a GPS and relies on good old map and compass for all my walking an interesting read , I'd like to think most LDWA members are aware of the problems you can have with a compass , but always worth a reminder ! cheers for posting .
Author: Iain Connell
Posted: Thu 15th Feb 2018, 12:18
Joined: 2010
Local Group: East Lancashire
A report in online BBC news warns of magnets in devices such as mobile phones with protective cases, but also gloves and clothing fasteners, affecting compasses.

From Mountaineering Scotland:
"It [the compass] had been stored in a pocket next to a mobile phone in a case which had a magnetic closure on it, and the magnet had reversed the polarity of the compass needle, so that the north arrow pointed south. [...] more joined-up thinking is needed between outdoor clothing manufacturers and mountain users to avoid potentially life-threatening consequences. [...] The phenomenon of reversed polarity has been publicised previously in mountaineering circles."

If you've been going in 'mountaineering circles' (Wainwright did, once) it might be your phone.


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