Apologies in advance for the length of this post, it is certainly not a knee-jerk response; I have ruminated long and hard, read this Forum?s posts and considered other bodies? moves and retreats, as well as the various Group badges.
Good grief, what a lot of interest the proposed change of logo has generated; in a way, this is good, as it has brought some ?old timers? out of the proverbial woodwork. And we even have former National Committee members, including former Chairs, commenting; and not always positively. Just looking at the comments, it appears that most of the negative comments come from the ?old timers? (a word of caution here as I don?t do Facebook or any other social mejia (at least, not yet), although I understand that there is similar scorn elsewhere). Whilst many of the reactions are knee-jerk ones, there are also some very well thought through postings.
Demographically speaking, and being absolutely blunt, we old timers (yep, I joined in 1980 and am now well into my seventh decade) are going to be ?passing on? (a euphemism) before the younger generation and therefore, surely, it ?must? be the younger generation who should be driving this matter ? I include our esteemed Chairman in the cohort of the ?younger? generation. Quite frankly, in 40 years? time (if I am still around), I expect that I will have trouble seeing any logo, let alone understanding it and remembering what walking was all about! A radical thought ? perhaps only those under age 60, say, should even be permitted to vote, on the basis that this is a ?forever? change and not just for the next 5 years or so? We 'old timers' must NOT be selfish.
At the latest Kent Group Committee Meeting, after a brief comment from the Strider Editor and on an informal show of hands, the longer established members were generally not in favour of change ? even though this was well BEFORE the proposed logos had even been seen! Unusually, there were some quite heated comments. In contrast, two newer (and younger) Committee members were in favour of a newer / refreshed logo.
I hope that many will now have watched (or, rather, listened as there?s very little to actually watch) the Chairman?s video ? I have done so twice; in my view, a very reasoned explanation, and invoking the BIGGER PICTURE. However, I suspect that a number of the ?old timers? will not have access to ? or do not access ? either the Forum or t?internet generally ??..., and so his pearls of wisdom will not have hit their mark with all.
It is noted that the matter was mentioned in a previous Strider and that there was an almost eerie silence, and it has been suggested that we (the general membership) had our chance - and blew it! Well, I believe that there is a simple explanation for this, as alluded to by the late Steve Jobs, who said ?It?s really hard to design products ??. a lot of times, people don?t know what they want until you show it to them?, and I think that this is most apposite here (as indeed with Brexitl!!). It may be that the National Committee has become slightly ?tunnel visioned? and attempted to leap the chasm in one go, rather than using stepping stones, as other organisations may do in this situation.
Well, what do I think? I am (or, at least, thought that I was) happy with the existing logo (the walker / strider). It has stood us in good stead ? and in my humble opinion is not sexist (or anything else); it?s a logo depicting a walker, end of. I have ?lived? with the logo for almost 40 years and felt that it is part of my identity; whilst there is certainly a good part of me which thinks ?if it ain?t broke, don?t fix it?, I feel that it would be wrong not to at least consider change.
So YES, an upgrade to a more stylish logo should be beneficial and I would be in favour of such a change IF, but only IF, the new logo is an improvement. We live in a world which is much changed from the 1960s, and we shouldn?t stand still ? indeed, it would be ironic and not a little perverse if we insisted on the status quo, given that we as walkers are always looking at exploring new realms. How will we attract new members if we insist on the old all the time? ? ?Oh, No, we?re not changing the logo, it?s not the sort of thing we long distance walkers do?.
And here, as I and others have alluded to, there are many parallels (some of them uncanny) with the current Brexit imbroglio (where, as I write, the No Change option is not currently available ? though I suspect that may change!); however, there are also significant differences with Brexit, not least I hope when it comes to listening.
Logo 1 ? stylish, I do have to admit, but I have also heard it referred to as ?graffiti?. The simple wording ?LDWA? by itself is a BIG WORRY for me ? what exactly does it stand for (to the outside world)? Well, I can never forget that when my children were of primary school age (so some 15 or so years ago), they were always saying, usually after I had finished a telephone call ?Dad, was that someone from the LARGE DIAPER WETTNG Association, hee, hee, hee?. So be careful what we wish for (I?m sure there?s a proverb there somewhere). Accordingly, it?s a definite No No from me for Logo 1 in its current state; however, add a footprint or stile or hill or rambler?s gate or ?? and, yes, I could see myself as being in favour.
Logo 2 ? hmmm. What exactly is this? Shape of an arrow? Shooting for the stars? Sorry, but it bears little if any relationship to walking as far as I can see ?. Perhaps someone could explain it to me? So, again, a No No from me.
Conclusion ? I cannot bring myself to back either of the proposed logos and would humbly suggest that the National Committee should give serious consideration to retaining the existing logo pro tem. I shall therefore be sending in a ?spoilt? ballot paper, referencing this post. It will be no use probing me for any new suggestions, though ? I have a profound lack of imagination and am useless at thinking of eg Xmas presents; and am even worse at art ? I am much ?happier? amending and pointing out issues / difficulties (and some enhancements!).
I sincerely trust that my comments will be seen as pragmatic and be viewed as constructive criticism ? I definitely do not wish to sound negative (honest!) ? and I am full of admiration for the valuable and sterling work that our National Committee does; indeed, I believe that the National Committee will come out of this debacle STRONGER if they reflect wisely (and have a rethink!). The sheer volume of opprobrium on this website (and elsewhere, including perhaps in snatched conversations) should not be ignored, else a lot ? an awful lot ? of goodwill is likely to flow out of the proverbial window, which would be a great pity.
One last point (promise!): why the rush? Maybe reconsider the whole matter and bring in any change to coincide with the LDWA?s 50th anniversary, which isn?t that far away now?
Here?s to the future of the LDWA!
(And now I shall crawl back into my hole ???????)