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Discussion Forum - Long Distance Paths - Fen Rivers Way - is it now walkable?

Author: Raymond Wilkes
Posted: Sat 28th Jul 2018, 22:32
Joined: 2013
Local Group: West Yorkshire
We walked it quite a few years ago but it was a February trip. It was very cold but that stopped the nasty plants thriving
You could try writing to the county footpaths officer. Hogweed is illegal so you could ask him what he plans to do about it
Author: John Tipper
Posted: Fri 27th Jul 2018, 13:35
Joined: 2013
The LDP database reports at present (as accessed on 27 July 2018) that:

"Fen Rivers Way between Littleport and Ten Mile bank is currently (29.5.2017) unwalkable. Half a mile from the Littleport roundabout the bank is high with thistles, stinging nettles, and worst of all hogweed."

It then goes on to give contact details for a website about the route and a related email address. Both of these no longer seem to function.

Does anybody have recent experience and knowledge of the Fen Rivers Way, in particular of that stretch north of Littleport?

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