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Discussion Forum - The Bothy - Old Crown Round

Author: Alan Jolly
Posted: Tue 30th Jun 2009, 12:59
Joined: 1997
Hi, does anyone have a GPS file of this route? I know it's changed this year but I can easily amend it on Memory Map. Thanks ...Alan
Posted: Fri 13th Oct 2006, 17:23
This route sounds like the old "Back O Skiddaw" open challange + Great Cock up.
David H
Author: Paul Lawrence
Posted: Fri 13th Oct 2006, 13:02
Joined: 1993
Local Group: London
The route sheet should be available from Michael Cooper, 8 Hazebrouck Drive, Baildon, SHIPLEY, W Yorks BD17 6PE, free (+ 9 x 4 SAE). (Note his addresses in recent Striders were incorrect - my mistake, sorry). The info we have onfile is:

A challenge walk over the tops of Skiddaw, Blencathra, Carrock Fell and Great Cockup, which can be achieved in any order. However, the same location must be used for the start and finish of the walk, which must be completed within a maximum time limit of 20 hours. Navigational skills are essential. The walker/runner must decide their own route but the ascent is likely to be over 5000 feet and this is a high-level exposed circuit with some trackless and boggy areas. Completers are asked to record details at the Old Crown Inn where a certificate will be issued free. Originated by the former pub landlord, Michael Cooper, four of the beers sold are named after these tops. Maps: LR 90 and Exs 4, 5. Nominal 18 miles depending on route.

This has been seen by Michael. In due course this sort of info on LDPs and anytime challenge walks will be available to members from this website in a new LDPs area, see the LDPs Forum Topic - welcome.

If you need any more info or find new items or we need to correct anything you can email to me at
Author: Sue Allonby
Posted: Tue 10th Oct 2006, 14:41
Joined: 2003
Thanks Merrian. Has anyone who's done the round got any useful tips as to good starting points etc?
Author: Merrian Lancaster
Posted: Tue 10th Oct 2006, 14:06
Joined: 1996
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
There isn't a route description. Choose any route you like, start and finish at the same point, and finish in less than 20 hours. Carrock Fell is also included. You get a free pint in the pub, and add an entry to logbook.
Author: Sue Allonby
Posted: Tue 10th Oct 2006, 12:10
Joined: 2003
Does anyone have (or know where I can get hold of) a route description for the 'Old Crown Round' (which I think includes Skiddaw, Blencathra & Great Cockup). The route was originally available from the Old Crown pub at Hesket Newmarket, but doesn't seem to be now.

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