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Discussion Forum - Ideas Forum - Strider: Hatched, Matched AND Dispatched

Author: Madeleine Watson
Posted: Wed 27th Mar 2019, 23:35
Joined: 2002
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Allan - catchy phrase! I'm sure that Graham Smith will be pleased to include items of news - there was a wedding in recently (Ralph and Julia Warman). Their picture was on the back of the logo voting form and I saw quite a lot of it!
Author: Allan G H Gould
Posted: Sun 24th Mar 2019, 13:46
Joined: 1992
Local Group: Nidderdale
I note the presence of member's obituaries in Strider, which is always a sad moment. To bring some happiness at the same time, please may we have some reports in Strider of LDWA members Matching and Hatching (not necessarily in that order, and one not dependent on the other, and noting that 'Matching' may have many combinations). Surely there must be births to and marriages of LDWA members? In order to be eligible for publication, I suggest all parties should be LDWA members (a good way to recruit, surely, enroll them at Hatching, and/or offer a free one-year family membership to the lucky ones that are published)

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