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Discussion Forum - Hundreds - Final Instructions

Author: Michael Cook
Posted: Sun 19th May 2019, 13:55
Joined: 2007
Local Group: Marches
Thanks Bill that's most helpful
Author: Bill Milbourne
Posted: Sun 19th May 2019, 13:49
Joined: 1996
Local Group: Northumbria
Hello Michael
There are two different types of snack packs. Those suitable for vegetarians will be marked with a big V
We will now be giving the first one out at Registration so you will have plenty of time to swap or just leave behind anything you dont like
Author: Michael Cook
Posted: Sat 18th May 2019, 16:13
Joined: 2007
Local Group: Marches
Not wishing to rock the boat so to speak, could you tell me are any of these ?snack packs? suitable for vegetarians?
Author: Stephen Edwards
Posted: Fri 17th May 2019, 21:50
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Cornwall & Devon
Thanks for all the info Dave. Sounds an interesting approach to things and I'll be looking out for the feedback on it.
I'll certainly come and say hello to you in 'the Hut'....if I'm in any fit state to remember who I am !
Thanks again, Steve.
Author: Dave Clifton
Posted: Fri 17th May 2019, 14:08
Joined: 2011
Local Group: Northumbria
Stephen , I spoke to one of the people on the marshals walk and the marshals snack pack consisted of a savoury filled bun, a pepperoni stick , biscuits and boiled sweets . It is likely to be very similar and as I mentioned it gives the option of carrying the food in your pocket or back pack when you have left the checkpoints of Newborough and Sewing shields and walk or run the wonderful Hadrian's wall and the approach to Haltwhistle when there will be more substantial food available. I hope this sets your mind to rest. We did get a number of compliments for this approach from the Marshals walk so hopefully after registration you have the time to decide how to store your packed Lunch. Its a question I will be asking myself soon as its my intention to walk the Pennine way in July over 13 days. Enjoy your walk and please when you get to Gregs Hut Checkpoint come and say hello.
Author: Jeff Stevens
Posted: Fri 17th May 2019, 12:52
Joined: 2014
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Hi Stephen
It was my fault i got the reply back from you as I did . Many apologies i did not personally fire at you i am just very excited and are firing emails out without thinking. The last email was from my partner who knows the rubbish i come out with which gets me into trouble,
She says the wording of my topic reply wasn't done in a way that reflected what i meant and i did not want anyone to take offense from anything i say.
Much apologies Jeff
Author: Stephen Edwards
Posted: Fri 17th May 2019, 12:41
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Cornwall & Devon
Hiya Jeff. I think it's best that I put this conversation to bed.

What my first post was trying to find out was the size of this 'package' so that I could find room, or not, in my rucksack. What I wasn't after was peoples personal 'takes' on the situation. Many people, myself included, arrive at the start with rucksack packed and things in order, and don't want to be jigging things around at the last moment. So that's what I wanted...information from someone 'in the know' and then find a solution to the issue. No criticism about 'the whys' at all.

The 'sarcastic' quip about tally cards was followed by a 'smiley face'. I thought that this denoted laugh / joke....maybe things have changed ?

Happy walking, Steve.

PS. Glad we didn't get into a disagreement about the size of each others sack :-o
Author: Jeff Stevens
Posted: Fri 17th May 2019, 8:02
Joined: 2014
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Dave/Tony my reply was not aimed at any Marshall, I didn't appreciate the Bear Grylls impersonator comment.
I enjoy these walks immensely and fully understand that any decisions about food stations etc are planned thoroughly.
I hope we have some good weather, lets all get on and have great walk.
Author: Jeff Stevens
Posted: Fri 17th May 2019, 7:57
Joined: 2014
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Dave/Tony my reply below was not sarcasm aimed at any Marshall, I didn't appreciate the "Bear Grylls" impersonator comment. I am an enthusiastic walker and thoroughly enjoy these walks. I understand that all decisions about food stations etc are planned thoroughly and are always well organised,
I hope we have some good weather and all enjoy a great walk.
Author: Tony Willey
Posted: Fri 17th May 2019, 7:10
Joined: 1989
Local Group: Lakeland
Dave's reply was actually a practical one, not sarcasm. 400+ walkers will descend on Newbrough village hall in the space of 30 to 45 minutes and we have been looking at what we can do to avoid queues, hence the change in food pack arrangements. Many people arrive at a checkpoint, particularly the first one, having forgotten where their tally is or having stored it in some obscure part of their person or rucksack. Ensuring that tallies are ready for scanning is one part of speeding the flow.
Author: Dave Clifton
Posted: Fri 17th May 2019, 7:00
Joined: 2011
Local Group: Northumbria
Just also to add there is a checkpoint a few miles along the wall that you will be able to get some refreshments. I really hope for a lovely weekend not too hot or windy and look forward to seeing you all at the start of you are a starter and everyone at my checkpoint at Gregs hut. Only a week to go and its all go to get everything into place.
Author: Jeff Stevens
Posted: Fri 17th May 2019, 5:27
Joined: 2014
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Hi Stephen
I thought the same about the sarcastic comment about the tally's at the bottom of your reply
hence the reply .
Enjoy your walk run Jeff
Author: Stephen Edwards
Posted: Fri 17th May 2019, 0:24
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Cornwall & Devon
Thanks for your reply Dave Clifton. I was just trying to gain some knowledge from an official of the event so that I wouldn't be thrown by a surprise on the morning.....which I'm sure none of us would want.
Could do without the moral intervention of a Bear Grylls impersonator, but hey-ho, some people can't help themselves.
Author: Jeff Stevens
Posted: Thu 16th May 2019, 21:41
Joined: 2014
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Hi there
My Take on this is every 100 is different that is why we come back every year to do them and if it has been agreed and tested by the marshals that this is the best way then so be it. This is a unique event every year and I think it is a nice change to get your food before so you can choose what to carry. The vast majority of walkers will just get on with it and enjoy the spectacular views and great atmospheres of the 100.

I dont see a problem with this we just adapt to the changes and move on
Author: Dave Clifton
Posted: Thu 16th May 2019, 19:55
Joined: 2011
Local Group: Northumbria
The catering manager is away for a few days as she has been working flat out including a long shift at the marshals event. So cannot tell you what is in the food pack but one of the marshals who attended the event may give you an indication. The purpose is that there is a long stretch along Hadrian's Wall that its not feasible to move or have food for over 500 entrants so the snack pack is to help you out on your journey . Why it is given out at registration is simply that it will be extremely hard to handle over 400 entrants almost arriving together after a leisurely 5 mile walk from Hexham at CP 1 and in addition to note their tally, hand out food packs and there will be some finger food also available. So we have decided to give you the pack at the start so you can repack your bag or whatever you wish to do with it. When you get to CP 1 have your tally ready and help us process everyone without due delay . There will by the way be a second snack pack given at Garigill for the 17mile journey to Dufton. Again its because we cannot shift vast supplies up to Gregs hut and the mine road check . I am sorry if this is not good news for you we are trying our best.
Author: Stephen Edwards
Posted: Thu 16th May 2019, 19:16
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Cornwall & Devon
Without wanting to be a moaner....I've just read that we are getting the 'snack pack' for CP1 at registration. How big are they and what's in them ? My rucksack is full and carrying it isn't really a good option. I'm not a vegetarian / vegan but I certainly don't eat just anything. I also read that the decision was made on the back of 'queuing' at CP1...are we also scanning the tally cards early as well then ? :-)
Author: Pete George
Posted: Wed 15th May 2019, 22:25
Joined: 2015
Local Group: Cumbria
I've just re-read the final instructions in perhaps a little more detail than I did first time around.
The link to the you-tube video about 112 was really useful and gave some interesting information and advice I simply did know previously.
Every day's a learning day!

Thanks Bill.

Author: Paul Cutmore
Posted: Thu 9th May 2019, 10:41
Joined: 2014
Local Group: Norfolk & Suffolk
Thanks Tony.
Author: Tony Deall
Posted: Thu 9th May 2019, 10:02
Joined: 1985
Local Group: Cumbria
Yes - there are several showers in the Youth Hostel where the baggage will be available.
So put a small towel in if you want a shower.

Just a request to everyone - after use please leave all the washing and toilet facilities as you would wish to find them.
Author: Paul Cutmore
Posted: Thu 9th May 2019, 9:23
Joined: 2014
Local Group: Norfolk & Suffolk
Will any washing facilities (or even showers) be available at either of the Dufton venues?
Author: Bill Milbourne
Posted: Sun 28th Apr 2019, 11:18
Joined: 1996
Local Group: Northumbria
Campervans no bigger than 2.2m x 4.7 m are acceptable but nothing bigger on the Main Walk, i.e no motorhomes unless you are marshalling and have agreed this with me beforehand.
Motorhomes may be parked on the road outside the school, Whetstone Bridge Road if there is space, but must be removed by 9am Monday
Author: David Frame
Posted: Sat 27th Apr 2019, 15:35
Joined: 2017
Local Group: Heart of Scotland
Hi Bill,
Thanks for all the work so far - much appreciated.
Can you confirm that there will be space for campervans in the parking?
Author: Bill Milbourne
Posted: Fri 26th Apr 2019, 13:46
Joined: 1996
Local Group: Northumbria
Me too Mike. At least they were, uniformly mud-coloured now though
Author: Michael Childs
Posted: Fri 26th Apr 2019, 12:43
Joined: 1990
Local Group: Dorset
Bill, I was really hoping there would be a beauty competition for footwear. I have got some really good off road trainers in a startling variety of colours...
Author: Bill Milbourne
Posted: Fri 26th Apr 2019, 10:08
Joined: 1996
Local Group: Northumbria
Elton, I agree with your point about the boots. This is not a beauty competition for footwear, but if the tread has worn off or they are held together with gaffer tape then no, they don't comply.. If they are just not waterproof anymore then I don't care.
Author: Paul Cutmore
Posted: Thu 25th Apr 2019, 21:47
Joined: 2014
Local Group: Norfolk & Suffolk
Thanks Tony and Mike for your replies about Dufton. I shall now take it that "no supporters' vehicles" in Dufton actually means "no supporters".
Author: Elton Ellis
Posted: Thu 25th Apr 2019, 20:16
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Surrey
On the subject of worn and shabby boots: I read a similar rule before my first Hundred. I had a pair of boots which I had used to hike two National Trails. They were showing their age, and had a couple of small tears. On reading the rule about footwear in good condition, I feared disqualification because of my boots, so bought a new pair. The result was that I retired at 79 miles with heels rubbed raw. A year or so later I backpacked the full length of the Pennine Way in my old boots.

So the moral of that is boots/shoes/trainers which are well worn in and shabby are much better than new boots which are untried. Any experienced Hundred walker will agree with that, and I would hope that the organizers would take that view.
Author: Bill Milbourne
Posted: Thu 25th Apr 2019, 12:04
Joined: 1996
Local Group: Northumbria
To clarify the issue of footwear.
Trainers or Fell Running shoes are acceptable as long as they are well made and in good condition. On the other hand, worn shabby boots may not be, no matter how strong they were when they were new
Author: Michael Childs
Posted: Thu 25th Apr 2019, 11:21
Joined: 1990
Local Group: Dorset
Tony thanks - I absolutely agree about Dufton. In any case, it is not a good idea to travel the very long distance all the way to the west of the Pennines, just to visit the breakfast checkpoint.

It is worth noting that there is useful and detailed advice about checkpoints - and where supporters are best advised to go - in the "final instructions". It is definitely worth reading this carefully if you are (or will have) a supporter.
Author: Tony Deall
Posted: Wed 24th Apr 2019, 21:56
Joined: 1985
Local Group: Cumbria
Dufton is a small village and the Event is passing through it during the night using two venues.
We don't want to cause any more disturbance to the residents than is necessary.

Even if a taxi there and back from Appleby was available, which seems vanishingly unlikely, we really don't want to add to the general hurly burly.
Thanks for your forbearance.
Author: Paul Cutmore
Posted: Wed 24th Apr 2019, 9:22
Joined: 2014
Local Group: Norfolk & Suffolk
I see that "No supporters? vehicles are allowed in Dufton" which is the village where the breakfast stop is. And it does not look like there is any suitable parking just outside the village. So, maybe the best bet would be for a supporter to arrive by taxi, perhaps from Appleby - would a taxi drop off/pick up be permitted in Dufton? Or are supporters discouraged from coming to Dufton altogether? - which I think would be a pity, although I recognise the constraints.
Author: Bill Milbourne
Posted: Mon 22nd Apr 2019, 15:24
Joined: 1996
Local Group: Northumbria
There will be drinks available at Birkdale, about half a pint each at the most, but we cannot ship in enough water to fill everyone's container as well
Author: Tony Deall
Posted: Sun 21st Apr 2019, 21:54
Joined: 1985
Local Group: Cumbria
I don't think there will be unlimited supplies of water at Birkdale - it will all have to be ferried in.
Best to be on the safe side on leaving Dufton...
Author: Elton Ellis
Posted: Sat 20th Apr 2019, 15:02
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Surrey
Thanks, Bill.
One query: if water is available at Birkdale, why do we need to carry water to last us from Dufton to Watersmeeting?
Author: Bill Milbourne
Posted: Sat 20th Apr 2019, 14:35
Joined: 1996
Local Group: Northumbria
Final Instructions for the Hadrian Hundred are now available to download from the Home page of the Hadrian Hundred website

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