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Discussion Forum - Hundreds - Hadrian Hundred Photos

Author: Dave Clifton
Posted: Thu 30th May 2019, 9:09
Joined: 2011
Local Group: Northumbria
Hi Jane and others, the details are below, the mountain rescue and we had the North Of Tyne crew gave us 48 hour cover and all are volunteers. The crew that helped us at Gregs Hut were the hard pressed nightshift and then they had day time commitments before they were back on duty the same night. They are part of our world like the life boat volunteers that wonder sometimes why they are not centrally funded but that's another debate


Raise money for NOTMRT at VirginMoney Giving:
Posted: Thu 30th May 2019, 8:51
I?d really like to give a donation but struggling to find which mountain rescue team were involved. Sorry, bit of a numpty with links. Please could you post the full link. Many thanks
Author: Dave Clifton
Posted: Wed 29th May 2019, 19:50
Joined: 2011
Local Group: Northumbria
Thanks again Andy, its a shame you could not join us at Gregs hut you would have got some atmospheric pictures all shot in a dark setting. My mate Ricky normally takes loads of photos but he was full on working all night long providing tourist guided walk information to help people on the onward leg. I wonder if anyone has any photos they can provide of the momentous night in and around Gregs Hut . There are some on facebook but I am one of those that some people would say behind the times but its not something I use. By the way if anyone wants to show their appreciation for our Mountain rescue teams The Search and rescue teams who looked after everyone on the Hadrian Hundred depend entirely on voluntary contributions to pay for their service. If you would like to express your thanks more tangibly, go to
Author: Andy Todd
Posted: Wed 29th May 2019, 18:20
Joined: 2010
Local Group: Wiltshire
A the rest of my sets of photos...

Checkpoint 4 - Knarsdale

Checkpoint 3 - Haltwhistle

Haltwhistle Burn


Dave - Given the farmers upset, and it was noticeable in the way he complained that good work had been done in advance, that Jo and Chris make the farmer feel that his complaint was heard.
Author: Stephen Marston
Posted: Wed 29th May 2019, 8:40
Joined: 2017
Local Group: South of Scotland
Great pictures , thanks for sharing
Author: Michael Childs
Posted: Wed 29th May 2019, 7:38
Joined: 1990
Local Group: Dorset
Andy, thank you for all the wonderful atmospheric photos of Watersmeeting Farm. It really shows what it was like there...
Author: Dave Clifton
Posted: Wed 29th May 2019, 6:36
Joined: 2011
Local Group: Northumbria
Thanks Andy , your photos are a real bonus to me and others who man the checkpoints and miss many of the experiences good and not so good. For us who spent many an hour planning etc its especially poignant. The evidence as your photos portray is that some will seek to shave time coming off permissive paths and forgetting to close gates. This is not new , whether especially those who are fit enough to run some if not most of the route don't actually complete 100 miles will always be a debate as we found out in preparation mileage over a route is not an exact science yet. Gates are always a worry and should as we all know be a requirement every time we go out for a walk in the countryside and particularly at all our LDWA events but enforcement is impossible but its a fact that complaints could follow. It was lovely to see the comment about the farmers wife at Watersmeeting, our checkpoint managers the wonderful Jo and Chris worked long and hard to foster good relations with all our checkpoint owners and farm owners.
Author: Andy Todd
Posted: Tue 28th May 2019, 22:11
Joined: 2010
Local Group: Wiltshire
Couple more albums


These show an 'interesting' sequence. Some of the initial runners had clearly established in advance that they could cut a corner at this point, and quite deliberately did so. As time progressed those behind did the obvious thing of follow those in front, resulting in the bulk of the walkers being taken off route due to the deliberate act of a few. Unfortunately some of the more blatant case photos did not come out too well.


Some where wearing kit which IMO no doubt meet the kit requirements but was never going to do the job, probably even in 'normal' conditions.

Should also be noted that we had a complaint from the neighbouring farmer that one of the runners (timing means it *was* a runner) had left a gate open further up the route.

Very grateful that wife of the Watersmeeting farmer took one of our retirees into their house to warm her up, she was badly hypothermic.

Dave - The football pitch you refer to is the one on Tyne Green, which is where the 'post start' photos I took were taken from. ("TL and cross field")
Author: Dave Clifton
Posted: Tue 28th May 2019, 21:13
Joined: 2011
Local Group: Northumbria
Andy or anyone , there is one photo of entrants running down the children's football pitch and I cannot recall seeing it on the route description. Before we get complaints can you identify the location or any of the runners that were in the picture so I can get more details please
Author: Andy Todd
Posted: Tue 28th May 2019, 19:52
Joined: 2010
Local Group: Wiltshire
Probably better as a new thread rather than reuse last years. I will post a few albums. The first...

Hexham Start

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