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Discussion Forum - Hundreds - Y 100 Sir Fynwy

Author: Gwyneth Littlejohn
Posted: Fri 27th Sep 2019, 6:28
Joined: 2011
Local Group: Bristol & West
Yes, sensible to put down time of last completed 100. I agree that an uncompleted time is meaningless. Any specific queries please contact:
Gwyneth Littlejohn Entries
Author: Alan Stewart
Posted: Thu 26th Sep 2019, 13:31
Joined: 2004
Local Group: Kent
Thank you Armorel

In the absence of a formal answer I have done the same.
Author: Armorel Young
Posted: Wed 25th Sep 2019, 19:01
Joined: 1999
Local Group: Sherwood
I agree that those questions are ambiguous. I put down my time on my last completed 100, since times on a partial 100 are meaningless, so in line with that I also entered the date of my last completed 100, even though I have done a non-completed one since then.
Author: Alan Stewart
Posted: Mon 23rd Sep 2019, 14:41
Joined: 2004
Local Group: Kent
On the 100 entry form you ask for "What was your time on your last 100?" and "When was your last 100?" is this the last completed 100 or just the last 100 wether completed or not?
Author: Gerry Jackson
Posted: Mon 2nd Sep 2019, 20:31
Joined: 1978
Local Group: South Wales
I anybody spots any errors on the Y 100 sir Fynwy e.g. typos , inconsistencies etc, please can they report them to me at this email address
Author: Jeff Stevens
Posted: Mon 2nd Sep 2019, 18:33
Joined: 2014
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Thanks for answering my query Dave.
Just hope I get a place fingers crossed.
Author: David Morgan
Posted: Mon 2nd Sep 2019, 18:24
Joined: 1994
Local Group: South Wales
Hi Jeff
At the workshop on the 100 at the last AGM weekend, the members present made a decision that due to there being so few non-members entering the annual 100, that it would be appropriate to make it member only.
Author: Jeff Stevens
Posted: Mon 2nd Sep 2019, 17:33
Joined: 2014
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Dave just seen the 100 website the route looks fantastic .
I have goose bumps already .
Is this open to just Ldwa members so there is a good chance we dont have to worry about
missing out on a place.
Author: David Morgan
Posted: Mon 2nd Sep 2019, 16:22
Joined: 1994
Local Group: South Wales

The page has now been updated with information relating to Y 100 Sir Fynwy. Our thanks to committee member Gerry Jackson who has spent many hours putting this together and thanks also to various committee members who have provided him with the relevant information relating to their specific portfolios.
Author: David Morgan
Posted: Fri 26th Jul 2019, 17:11
Joined: 1994
Local Group: South Wales
Hi Simon
Yes, 50 mile events in early 2020 will be qualifiers prior to the event. When the list was drawn up, we weren't sure which early 2020 events would be confirmed. We'll get on to updating the list in due course.
This is of course subject to there being places available so close to the event.


Author: Simon Pipe
Posted: Tue 23rd Jul 2019, 0:27
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Heart of England
Hi team. Could you confirm that for the 2020 Hundred, there are no qualifying events in 2020? I don't have a view on this: just want to make sure I'm giving the right information to people I'd like to encourage to give it a try. Apologies if this has been discussed at length and I missed it...
Author: David Morgan
Posted: Tue 11th Jun 2019, 7:49
Joined: 1994
Local Group: South Wales
Y 100 Sir Fynwy website moved to:


Author: David Morgan
Posted: Thu 30th May 2019, 14:25
Joined: 1994
Local Group: South Wales
We're beginning to receive enquiries in South Wales as to when the website and information relating to Y 100 Sir Fynwy will be available to view. In order to manage expectations, please be aware that we have no plans to publish anything until about 01.09.19. We have a holding website available that outlines what qualifying events people can complete to ensure they are qualified, together with details of who is doing what on the Y 100 Sir Fynwy committee.

Please visit

The weekend of the marshals' walk will be 02-04 May 2020 regardless of what happens with Bank Holiday proposals as all accommodation has been booked.
The weekend of the main event will be 23-25 May 2020.

The cost of the main event will be £80 and the cost of the marshals' walk and for those helping on the marshals' walk (limited places) who then walk the main event will be £40.

On or about the 01.09.19, the website will be launched and is likely to be more or less complete, together with route and details of on-line entry.



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