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Discussion Forum - Events - National AGM and walking weekend

Author: Deirdre Flegg
Posted: Sat 23rd Nov 2019, 11:59
Joined: 1993
Local Group: Dorset
Members will now have received Strider, with the insert giving information about next year's AGM in the beautiful surroundings of Easingwold in N Yorkshire. If you haven't yet looked at it-read on!

We have several interesting activities planned for you, including an extra workshop on the Friday evening. Sergeant Stuart Grainger of the North Yorks Rural Crimes Unit will speak about 'Operation Owl'. This originated as a multi-agency initiative led by North Yorkshire Police in 2018, designed to raise awareness of illegal raptor persecution across the county, and especially in the Yorkshire Dales National Park, North York Moors National Park and the Nidderdale AONB, all known to be areas where raptor killing is rife. This has now expanded into a national campaign coordinated by Sgt Grainger. Stuart is encouraging non police organisations to get involved, especially groups who get out into the countryside regularly. The campaign is about raising awareness of these crimes, knowing what to look out for in the countryside and letting the public know that the police care about wildlife.

Friday also sees the quiz returning, and a workshop with Julie Cribb to talk about the contribution of local groups to the 50th anniversary activities in 2022 .

There are 3 good walks on Saturday of lengths to suit most people, led from the hotel by LDWA group members, and a coach outing to historic York. After dinner, Colin Utting will speak about managing the change from Chief Engineer in the nuclear industry to mountain leadership training, and encouraging young people to learn about the wonders of the outdoors.

The AGM follows on Sunday, for two hours.

So, get out that Strider now and send your booking form to Sue Widdowson-details on the form. We both look forward to seeing lots of you at what is always a sociable and fun weekend. Deirdre & Sue.

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