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Discussion Forum - Hundreds - Groups of 40

Author: John Dally
Posted: Tue 3rd Mar 2020, 22:48
Joined: 1990
Local Group: East Yorkshire
Hi Sandy, How the hell did you follow the footprints? From what I remember, they were all under water!
Author: Jeff Stevens
Posted: Mon 24th Feb 2020, 20:30
Joined: 2014
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Hi Sandy great walking with you on Saturday for a while told you so you get faster as the events get longer. Bill was struggling with a virus on Saturday so very proud he managed to finish the event. Kath and Bill said what a fantastic event this was and glad they entered . As for the Y 100 Sir Fynwy if there is any rain but this is very unlikely we have had plenty of practice in wet and muddy conditions so we should be ok. Are you in the South Pennine 24 looks a little unsettled so more of the same.
cheers Jeff
Author: Sandy Gee
Posted: Mon 24th Feb 2020, 11:47
Joined: 2010
Local Group: Calderdale
Jeff - you will have caught them up by tea time if you go at the pace you were going on Saturday. I like your positive posts about all the events you do.

I know the weather is going to be fantastic for the 100 weekend, but in the unlikely event that Wales has a rare wet spell, later start means we can follow the footprints for some of the route, as on the Valleys 100.
Author: Jeff Stevens
Posted: Fri 21st Feb 2020, 20:43
Joined: 2014
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Hi John
No criticism was for your post you were trying to be constructive as mine was trying to take the positives from the starts.
Its not just you getting lost from checkpoints its my worst fear coming out of them. My Start is at 11.20 and the walkers I
usually walk with are setting of at 09.20 and 09.40 and 10.00 respectively . This means I have to get a move on to try and
catch them up which will probably be sunday. I have no problem with the starts the Marshals have put so much into getting
everything ready for this event and I am appreciative of this and want to do my best to honour all the hard work that as gone into
the event. Also John on about getting lost coming out of checkpoints until last week I have been looking at the map I have purchased
at doing it backward so that would have been good. Look forward to seeing you at some point posibly just at the start Jeff
Author: John Dally
Posted: Fri 21st Feb 2020, 19:37
Joined: 1990
Local Group: East Yorkshire
Hi, just revisited this site and am horrified to think that what I submitted in the assumption that it would be taken as a bit of fun has taken a more serious turn. As another John has contributed, I am hoping that subsequent posts are related to his contribution alone.
Looking at the exit from Chepstow, it is blindingly obvious why we have to be sent out in small groups and also that this will involve walk officials with even more work, which I am sure they could have done without. I was trying to see a bit of humour in the situation whereby each group will be looking for an initial leader. I have navigated all over this country, day and night, mountain and glen, but anyone who knows me can tell you that my greatest navigational challenge is exiting the carpark in the right direction. I had toyed with the idea of suggesting that each group of 40 be led out of Chepstow by an official holding up an umbrella; thank god I didn't as no doubt someone would have taken the suggestion seriously.
I and my walking partner will be leaving at 10:40am. if you follow me, you will be doing so at your peril
Author: Gwyneth Littlejohn
Posted: Sat 1st Feb 2020, 5:40
Joined: 2011
Local Group: Bristol & West
Mike, Jeff, Julian

Thank you
Author: Julian Pursey
Posted: Fri 31st Jan 2020, 18:19
Joined: 1989
Local Group: Cornwall & Devon
Mike and Jeff,

Hear, hear!
Author: Jeff Stevens
Posted: Fri 31st Jan 2020, 18:17
Joined: 2014
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Hi Mike
Totally agree with your comments and not only gwyneth but all involved in th 100.
The amount of work they put into to organise these events it must take over their
lives for years for us to spend 48 hrs enjoying ourselves Many thanks to all.
Intead of seeing negative comments people should embrace all what these
superstars are doing for us.
Regards Jeff
Author: Michael Childs
Posted: Fri 31st Jan 2020, 17:19
Joined: 1990
Local Group: Dorset
I think Gwyneth deserves a lot of support, because she volunteered to take on a complex job that was not originally foreseen, or part of her remit. To reconcile a progressive set of start times with 400 + entrants walking preferences, personal circumstances and previous performance sounds an astonishingly difficult task . I could not do it.
Author: Gwyneth Littlejohn
Posted: Fri 31st Jan 2020, 8:14
Joined: 2011
Local Group: Bristol & West

I am disappointed that you felt it necessary to put your feelings on the forum. Especially as I said in the email sent 'Please remember, start times are set. They cannot be changed or swopped (unless I have made an enormous blunder, in which case email me).'
Some people have emailed me with very sensible points, I even had a husband and wife starting at different times; I have of course corrected that. Some entrants have emailed me to say 'thank you'. With the bit about walking with other entrants. that has been very time consuming particularly when entrants were slow to confirm their entry. I did yesterday spend some time re-checking the start times and I had already change your start time to match one of the entrants you wanted to walk with. Another has not entered and the 4th in your party hadn't put anyone down to walk with, but I could change him as well.
Some of the entrants with start times the same as yourself had actually asked for an earlier start block. I felt that moving them one block on was sufficient. And some of them are walking with slower entrants or with entrants on their first 100, as stated in the email.
I do apologise for not getting it right first time round; if you have any more concerns, do feel free to email me.
Author: David Morgan
Posted: Thu 30th Jan 2020, 19:49
Joined: 1994
Local Group: South Wales
Hi John

I've made Gwyneth Littlejohn (entries secretary) aware of your post. Hopefully she'll be able to provide the answers to your questions.

Author: Michael Headley
Posted: Thu 30th Jan 2020, 14:45
Joined: 2008
Local Group: Kent
In case it's useful, I've prepared a sortable list of entrants with their respective start times and local groups. The Excel file is here.
Author: John Whitworth
Posted: Thu 30th Jan 2020, 14:14
Joined: 2014
Local Group: The Irregulars
Can I enquire as to why we were asked to give groups of people we were keen to be with on the hundred prior to the start times being issued?

Also we were told that we had to ask for a time post 1000 hours as we were led to believe that earlier times were to be for those who normally from previous entries finished in the 45-48 hour time limit.

I now find that two people I wanted to walk with in this 100 .One is 20 minutes before me and the other 20 minutes after.

It?s also noticeable that their are people in my time slot that are 47 hour walkers whereas there are others who are a lot faster than that?

Please can someone give a rationale around the decision making for how the staggered start groupings were made as I know from talking to colleagues if it meant we could all walk together that we?d have taken a later slot had this option been given.

I appreciate that all the organisers of any 100 put in an inordinate amount of work to get things right for the participants but it helps when they take on board legitimate concerns and feedback from participants.

As if they don?t the event will always be referred to in negative ways for years to come (eg the meat pie debacle from a previous hundred)
Author: Andrew Clabon
Posted: Thu 30th Jan 2020, 13:18
Joined: 1982
Local Group: South Wales

You make a very good point about catching up slower people that started before you and being caught up by faster people who started after you.
It is a great opportunity for conversation with fellow members who you might otherwise only see at the start and finish. You could even walk with each other for a mile or so!
A great positive of the staggered start.
Author: Jeff Stevens
Posted: Wed 29th Jan 2020, 18:19
Joined: 2014
Local Group: West Yorkshire
Hi John .

The problem with a mass start is we leave loads of the walkers behind or they set off and we never see them again.
This way all way around the route we will bump into walkers we dont usually bump in to or faster walkers catch us up so there
is plenty of time to have lots of conversations all the way around. So from this prospective Ithink it is really good.
So for me I cant wait .
Since I joined the LDWA I have found that a lot more walkers from all over the uk have started mixing a lot more and I think we
are becoming more of a national group doing the 100 milers every year and social media is bringing all a lot closer.
Regards Jeff
Author: Shirley Hume
Posted: Sat 25th Jan 2020, 22:05
Joined: 1980
Local Group: South Wales
Just like a Marshals walk then - we have 40 people doing it this year, all of whom will be giving up 2 Bank Holiday weekends to make sure the event is able to happen. It is unusual for many Marshals to have time to also do a recce, but somehow we all seem to manage to read the route description and navigate our way round. I have done the full 100 miles on a Marshals event on my own on more than one occasion and while I can't claim to have never gone off route it is no more likely than on a main event with 500 people.
Author: John Dally
Posted: Sat 25th Jan 2020, 17:26
Joined: 1990
Local Group: East Yorkshire
This is going to be interesting. In all my previous 100's I have always started with the herd and, as about 95% of us do, just followed the walker in front of me. This usually suffices until around checkpoint 3 when it may be necessary to actually consult the route description for further progress. This year is going to be different as we will be setting off in small groups isolated from the previous group by 20 minutes. What happens if no one in your group has reccied the walk to death and takes the lead? Horror of horrors; we may be faced with navigating from the very beginning of the walk. Enjoy

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