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Discussion Forum - Long Distance Paths - The Pennine Way

Author: Karl Dougan
Posted: Fri 26th Mar 2021, 15:17
Joined: 2021
Local Group: West Lancashire
Hi All I'm new to the forum. I'm planning on starting the Pennine way on the 20th of May and was wondering what peoples thoughts were on resources , will campsites and BB's be open ?
Cheers Karl
Author: Dave Clifton
Posted: Tue 4th Feb 2020, 19:40
Joined: 2011
Local Group: Northumbria
Hi Nigel. send me an email and I will give you a few pointers and I also have a trail blazer book you can have as I completed the Pennine last July (13days). You can find my email address on the Northumbria group LDWA page

Chair Northumbria group
Author: Nigel Tiffany
Posted: Mon 3rd Feb 2020, 23:09
Joined: 2018
Local Group: Surrey

A colleague and I are aiming to walk the Pennine Way in mid July. Any tips/pointers, things to watch out for etc from anybody who has completed or attempted this walk would be much appreciated.



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