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Discussion Forum - Hundreds - Refunds

Author: David Morgan
Posted: Thu 19th Mar 2020, 7:28
Joined: 1994
Local Group: South Wales
Hi Peter
Rule 7.1 (Force Majeure clause) has been invoked and entrants advised. Y 100 Sir Fynwy committee meeting this evening to discuss response. With a minimum of £7.5k already committed, entrants will not receive a full refund. Options being considered.

1. Full cancellation and event never ever hosted.
2. Application for deferral for 2021 subject to other 100 stakeholders agreeing.

If option 1 chosen, then once debts discharged,, partial refund to all.
If option 2 chosen, consideration as to what to do next. I.E. refund once debts discharged and commence new budget for 2021 OR try and utilise some of budget now and seek solution to reduce costs for next year.

Lots to think about but rule 7.1 has provided the top cover that a Force Majeure creates.

David Morgan
Y 100 Sir Fynwy
Author: Peter Jull
Posted: Thu 19th Mar 2020, 2:32
Joined: 2011
Local Group: Kent
I foresee potential iniquity in refunds for the cancelled 100. The more people who withdraw their entry through SI to guarantee £70 back the fewer people will be left between whom the unavoidable costs will be shared to their probable disadvantage.

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