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Discussion Forum - Long Distance Paths - Munro Attempt 2007

Author: Brian Johnson
Posted: Mon 4th Dec 2006, 23:42
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Wiltshire
Hi Adrian
It will be a continuous walk in that, subject to rest days and avoiding injury, I will be walking every day. I am using a small motorhome as a base with about half the time done as day-hikes and the other half backpacking so it won't be a continuous hike like my recent PCT and round britain hikes.
There will be plenty of flexibility in the programme so I can fit into dates of people who would like to join me. Top priority is help on Skye as I would like to do the tops as well as the peaks and this will be beyond me on my own.
You can email me directly on as well as through this forum.
Brian Johnson
Author: Adrian Rayner
Posted: Mon 4th Dec 2006, 16:49
Joined: 2005
Local Group: London
Sounds interesting. Is this a continuous circuit or fitting in walks as and when work/other allows?

I will be spending some time in Scotland next year but no dates fixed as yet.

Adrian Rayner
Author: Brian Johnson
Posted: Sun 26th Nov 2006, 14:44
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Wiltshire
I'm planning an attempt on the Munros (Scottish 3000ft peaks) next summer. I expect it to take about 5 months with a combination of day-hiking and backpacking.
I hope to complete the tops as well as the peaks.
If anyone is interested in joining me for any of this attempt I'd be interested in hearing from them.
In particular I'd appreciate someone with suitable experience to help me in the Cuillins of Skye. The peaks in this section involve scrambling and the tops involve easy rock-climbing. (I used to be a climber but those days are well behind me)
Brian Johnson

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