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Discussion Forum - Hundreds - Entry

Author: Andrew Bentham
Posted: Wed 29th Jul 2020, 21:08
Joined: 2019
Local Group: Wiltshire
Sorry, Kendra I meant Shirley. Thanks both, how's that.
Author: Andrew Bentham
Posted: Wed 29th Jul 2020, 21:06
Joined: 2019
Local Group: Wiltshire
Thanks Kendra
Author: Shirley Hume
Posted: Mon 20th Jul 2020, 15:30
Joined: 1980
Local Group: South Wales
Hi Andrew
To qualify for the event you have to complete a 50 mile qualifying event from the list which appears on the Y 100 Sir Fynwy website [link on the forum under Hundreds]. Go to the tab saying 'The Event ' and select 'Qualifying events' from the drop down menu to see the list. Entries open on 12th October and the cost is £82. There is a lot of information about the route, checkpoints etc on the website, although it is only fair to point out that with the ever-changing coronavirus situation much of this might have to change before next May.
Author: Andrew Bentham
Posted: Sun 19th Jul 2020, 19:07
Joined: 2019
Local Group: Wiltshire
Hello everyone.
I joined the LDWA recently (early 2018). I now want to do my first 100. I have read a bit of information and heard many a story. I would like to do the Y 100 Sir Fynwy. Please advise me on what I need to do to make this happen, i.e. :
How do I qualify?
When do I apply?
What is the cost?
Anything else I need to know?
Please be gentle with me in any responses. I am not quick on the uptake and will probably have more questions to ask.
Thank you.
Author: Alan Warrington
Posted: Fri 24th Apr 2020, 7:43
Joined: 1979
Local Group: Thames Valley

This is mentioned in the Topic '2021 Initial Entry Date' that I posted on 20 March 2020 below.

Alan Warrington
!00s Coordinator.
Author: David Morgan
Posted: Thu 23rd Apr 2020, 20:30
Joined: 1994
Local Group: South Wales
Hi Kendra,

12.10.20 is the date for entries to open.


Author: Kendra Wedgwood
Posted: Thu 23rd Apr 2020, 0:02
Joined: 2018
Local Group: North Yorkshire
Hi, when are entries likely to be open for 2021?

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