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Discussion Forum - Hundreds - Survey

Author: Alan Warrington
Posted: Thu 23rd Jul 2020, 13:08
Joined: 1979
Local Group: Thames Valley

The purpose of the survey (to which all existing valid Y100 Sir Fynwy entrants and those on wait list will have been invited to complete) is not to get bogged down in the minute detail which may or may not change in the mean time.

"We would be very grateful if you could complete a short survey outlining your thoughts on what we have outlined above. Just to emphasise that the measures are not what we will or want to implement, but those we think may be needed to meet public health constraints at the time of the event".

Should the event go ahead the relevant constraints in place at the time will take precedent.

Alan Warrington
100s Coordinator.
Author: Peter Jull
Posted: Thu 23rd Jul 2020, 9:30
Joined: 2011
Local Group: Kent
When you turn up at hospital they are making you take off latex gloves and throw them away before sanitising bare hands. Insisting such gloves are carried as an anti-Covid measure may well be counter productive. I have seen no government advice recommending use of gloves in public situations.

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