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Discussion Forum - Long Distance Paths - Ebor Way

Author: Raymond Wilkes
Posted: Thu 13th May 2021, 14:10
Joined: 2013
Local Group: West Yorkshire
I could imagine parts of the Helmsley to York being overgrown. Take a good treking pole and have a good bash .
You could write to N Yorkshire hIghways and ask them about the phths condition and explain what you are doing and say you would like it to be cleared. When you do the walk be sure to complain about anything you do not like.
Anyone near the route might like to walk the section and do a bit of trampling and bashing. We can all help each other that way.
Author: Iain Connell
Posted: Tue 11th May 2021, 9:17
Joined: 2010
Local Group: East Lancashire
The Yorkshire Footpath Trust ( has an archived (undated) Publications page with a link to "a new [undated] edition with route re-surveyed and colour photographs" of the Ebor Way, with a (also undated) contact address for the Trust.

Author: Diana Field
Posted: Mon 10th May 2021, 19:43
Joined: 2020
I am looking at doing Cleveland Way starting on the coast and the picking up the Ebor Way from Helmsley to Ilkley. There I will pick up the Dales Way to its end at Bowness. Boat across to Ambleside and walk to Skelwith Bridge and take the Cumbria Way north to Carlisle. I am finding very little information on the Ebor Way. I have Walkers Britain which is suggested as the guide for the route but it was published in 2011, so 10 years ago. I have been told that the route is overgrown in many places and poorly signed. I do have a GPS app that shows it. My question is what is the current status of the route and is it passable?

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