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Discussion Forum - Ideas Forum - AGM

Posted: Sun 29th Jan 2006, 12:08
Totally agree with Mike. In the 21st Century - On line voting should be allowed. Not everyone wants to attend the AGM.
Author: Chris Chorley
Posted: Sat 21st Jan 2006, 12:25
Joined: 1982
Local Group: Norfolk & Suffolk
I suspect Garfield is referring to " I'll add it to the spec of Version 2.", which imlies that it will happen, maybe by 2007 AGM (my guess).
Posted: Wed 18th Jan 2006, 8:13
....and what, pray, did I not read properly?
Author: Garfield Southall
Posted: Mon 16th Jan 2006, 15:10
Joined: 1991
Local Group: Merseystride
Peter, you did not read my reply properly. - Garfield
Posted: Mon 16th Jan 2006, 14:38
Hello Garfield. Sorry but 'security of online voting' is surely a (surmountable) technical issue, and hence another Red Herring. Can someone from "committee" acknowledge that the current outdated decision-making process needs radical overhaul, or someone from "committee" or "AGM regulars group" offer a compelling argument for the perpetuation of a system which cosily runs the Association using the ideas and views of just 2% of its membership without seeking input from the remaining 98%.
Author: Garfield Southall
Posted: Sat 14th Jan 2006, 15:38
Joined: 1991
Local Group: Merseystride
One of the problems with online voting is security. Did member 12815 really post that vote ? If they've logged in we can probably assume so. Since there will always be postal and physical methods available, as Chris C has alread pointed out, online voting will not favour those with internet facilities. We obviously could not have this ready for this years AGM, so I'll add it to the spec of Version 2. - Garfield
Posted: Thu 12th Jan 2006, 9:03
Bonjour Julie, Thanks for you prompt response but, with respect, I don't plan to swallow that red-herring. Why bother allocating members a vote which they can't then realistically exercise? ONE MEMBER, ONE VOTE !! Next Committee member, please.
Author: Julie Welch
Posted: Wed 11th Jan 2006, 14:57
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
You can already vote for your committee members of choice by proxy but some thought would need to be given on how to give the 'General Membership' a vote on motions actually debated at AGM. I can imagine poor Edith Moran's shorthand going into overdrive as she records every point, germane or fatuous, not to mention Eva Bowes's fingers being worn to the bone at the keyboard as she types out Edith's notes. Then everyone present will have to find something to do (another walk? learning a second language? knitting?)while the General Membership receives this online, deliberates and sends their Ayes or Noes...
Posted: Wed 11th Jan 2006, 13:30
From Peter Dentten:
Dear Committee, Approx 98% of us "General Membership" types, though interested in shaping the future of the Association, will sadly not be at the AGM.
Apologies, but can we vote by post or on-line please?
Author: Chris Chorley
Posted: Sat 26th Feb 2005, 15:32
Joined: 1982
Local Group: Norfolk & Suffolk
Any LDWA facilities provided via the Internet should be the same as those made available to members via Strider and other printed mailings. I'd compare this forum to the Strider letters pages, and Internet based AGM voting to the form which all members get posted to them. There are clubs (in various walks of life) which only communicate via the Internet, even though their actual activities aren't virtual. The LDWA isn't one of them, the web site is just another view of the LDWA.
Posted: Sat 26th Feb 2005, 10:48
Why disenfranchise those who do not have internet access?
I have always considered any votes taken at the AGM as slightly undemocratic anyway.

Turnout for general elections in this country is considered very low and yet we get a much, very much, smaller percentage attending AGMs.

That is the agreed process and I have no argument with that. However it does lead to a concensus that goes along with the requirements of the people who attend the AGM, who regularly appear to be the same names/faces from the reports I see.

This does sound like I have an axe to grind. In fact I don't at all and have no complaints whatsoever.
Author: Ian Koszalinski
Posted: Fri 18th Feb 2005, 20:56
Joined: 2004
Local Group: High Peak
i agree with that, i have enough trouble trying to find papers and post
Author: Mike Buckley
Posted: Wed 16th Feb 2005, 19:44
Joined: 1989
Local Group: Heart of England
How about on-line voting for those not going to the AGM?

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