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Discussion Forum - Ideas Forum - long distance walks post brexit

Author: Iain Connell
Posted: Fri 8th Oct 2021, 14:42
Joined: 2010
Local Group: East Lancashire
Good point - how far apart are the 180 days supposed to be ?

90 days at 15 miles average per day is still 1350 miles, enough for most single-country trails but not the trans-European ones; 3 month or 99 day tourist visas to USA wouldn't be enough for eg the Appalachian Trail, so how have non-resident or non-work-visa Brits managed the 'triple-crown of hiking' trails without doing them over more than one trip ?
Author: Richard Morton
Posted: Tue 5th Oct 2021, 11:58
Joined: 2021
Local Group: London
Since Brexit, Uk residents can only travel in the Schengen countries for a maximum of 90 days in 180 day period. This would appear to rule out many of the european long distance routes. Assuming that most people don't want to consider applying for residency in one of the countries that their chosen route goes through, nor have the finances required, has anybody got any reasonable ideas as to how one (or more to the point ' I') can get around this problem?

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