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Discussion Forum - Long Distance Paths - Footpath Closures and the Development of HS2

Author: Andy Clark
Posted: Thu 14th Oct 2021, 5:10
Joined: 2018
Local Group: Kent
We have been advised of several closures of sections of footpaths in Buckinghamshire, some of which are long-term until 2024, all relating to work on HS2. Whilst these are in Buckinghamshire at present, in due course other areas will be affected as the project develops further.
Whilst the LDP team will try and keep individual LDP webpages as up to date as possible , realistically itâ??s going to be a struggle for us to keep on top of this for each individual LDP.
If you are intending to walk in any area affected by the development of HS2, it is probably best to check with the relevant County Councilâ??s website for information on possible closures before setting out.

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