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Discussion Forum - The Bothy - Christmas Humbug Thread.

Author: Matthew Hand
Posted: Thu 21st Dec 2006, 17:36
Joined: 2001
Local Group: Mid Wales
Don't worry Merrian, things can't get any worse for me. I was entered in the T.T and have spent the whole of today in bed and becoming steadily iller. That's knocked that on the head, I haven't even the energy to be properly GRUMPY !! Matt.
Author: Merrian Lancaster
Posted: Thu 21st Dec 2006, 16:48
Joined: 1996
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
Sorry Matt, don't want to hi-jack your humbug thread, but have info about Tinsel Trail we got from Chris Dawes...

"The Event Centre is Coalport Village Hall in the Ironbridge Gorge. Due to road closures reach it by taking the A442 Telford/Bridgnorth Rd to the A4169 turning to Shifnal but head towards Madeley then at a roudabout turn Lt taking museum signage but go past Blists Hill and go downhill then at bottom turn Lt going by Shakespeare PH and in 100m at parking sign turn Lt to Hall(opposite Youth Hostel).

You can enter on the day. The start is between 8.30/9.00am. You will receive at registration a map and route description but if you have it bring the OS Landranger 1:50 000 Stafford & Telford. Please bring a wrapped present(cost no more than£1) for the bran tub.

p.s. from me....Shakespeare PH is in GBG.
Author: Garfield Southall
Posted: Thu 21st Dec 2006, 16:11
Joined: 1991
Local Group: Merseystride
H & I will join in the festivities on the Marches Tinsel Trail this weekend. Does anyone have an idea of the route so I can get the right area in Tracklogs?

Also, we'll be staying at H's parents after Christmas who live in Ashford, Middlesex and we're looking for a good 13-15 mile route to do one day. Don't mind driving or catching a train a short way to start with. Any ideas? Garfield
Author: Matthew Hand
Posted: Wed 20th Dec 2006, 19:16
Joined: 2001
Local Group: Mid Wales
And I've got some Woods Old Navy Rum (the cask strength).
Rum and Shrub is great on sore throats - so that'll be empty by Boxing day.

And another moan. If I go on a website (present company excepted), The home page greets me with father bloody christmas and all the rest of his seasonal friends. Only wanted to check the bank account online, and was met by jolly yo-ho-ho father Christmas in a snowstorm with his reindeer.
Will take more than Santa Clause to put a smile back into my bank account after this lot. Matt.
Posted: Wed 20th Dec 2006, 16:35
Just got back from the local Tesco (she who must be obeyed has had an eye job at the local hospital, so Tesco can not be dodged)came back with bruised ankles (from female trolley drivers) a bruised wallet and the convinced that places likes Tesco should by law either be left to females or a safe haven provided in the shop for Males to hide in but I did get a bottle of Black Rum and I bet that will not last till Monday.
David H
Author: Sue Allonby
Posted: Wed 20th Dec 2006, 12:17
Joined: 2003
I hate the Christmas hype but do enjoy the Christmas Day-desertion of many usually-popular Yorkshire Dales walking routes.
The following drink is, however, full of appropriate festivity (and tastes like it's healthy, too)...
1 part vodka
1 part sloe gin
2 parts cranberry juice
Splash of blackcurrant liqueor
ice cubes
Author: Matthew Hand
Posted: Wed 20th Dec 2006, 9:48
Joined: 2001
Local Group: Mid Wales
I usually enjoy Christmas, even though being married to a miserable old git like Matthew does tend to mute my merriment. This year,however, I will be glad when the New Year arrives and hope for a happier one. Is it me or is the 'Festive Season' a bit less hyped this year? Certainly here in Mid Wales there are not the lights and jollity of previous years. Have a great Christmas every one, any good recipes for 2 litres of whisky? Jane
Author: John King
Posted: Tue 19th Dec 2006, 19:28
Joined: 2002
Yes i will be celebrating the religious aspect as well.

Author: John King
Posted: Tue 19th Dec 2006, 19:26
Joined: 2002
Matt i am 100% behind you (again) but for us Christmas is great because we are going to Braemar camping, and there wont be a hint of over indulgence unless you want to count dawn to dusk forays into the splendidly quite hills.

Which if we get really really lucky there will be a big dump of snow then they will be days of x country skiing.

For us it just seems so much more civilised than boosting our cholestrol levels with the wrong food and wrecking our blood pressure being nice to relatives we cant stand, need i go on.

However you spend the holiday folks enjoy it.

Author: Rebecca Lawrence
Posted: Tue 19th Dec 2006, 19:22
Joined: 2003
Local Group: Marches
Agreed. I've gone away for the past 5 Christmases - much to my families disgust - going to a Muslim Country again this year, so not a bauble or xmas cracker in sight - yippee. I could handle it if it were every 5 years, but every year is too much....If I hear 'simply having a wonderful xmas time' again I think I'm gonna puke!!

Now for the religious amongst us, sorry and all that, but it has totally lost its meaning, and all it is for me is dashing around Birmingham with half the population buying stuff no-one wants anyway, and drinking far more than I should.(no change their then!! note from her partner)

Bah humbug
Author: Matthew Hand
Posted: Tue 19th Dec 2006, 18:01
Joined: 2001
Local Group: Mid Wales
I hate Christmas, if anyone wishes to join in a daily rant and moan, please feel free to let off steam here.

Stopped at Hereford Sainbury's at weekend to do the festive food shopping. 2 litres of Whiskey, so I'm o.k.

But some people ..... "Sir, you are 25 stone, you do not need 30 packets of crisps, 6 Christmas puddings and everything else in your supersized trolly. What you need is sod-all to eat over Christmas, not more"

Sign in back of car "Little people on board". Stop whingeing and chuck them out.

Jane has succumbed to neighbour pressure and actually put up decorations and lights today. I managed to break the first light by shutting it in the front door this morning, they already annoy me.

I have a cough and sore throat.

We still haven't reached the shortest day.


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