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Discussion Forum - Long Distance Paths - England Coast Path Watchet to Brean

Author: Raymond Wilkes
Posted: Mon 25th Jul 2022, 19:55
Joined: 2013
Local Group: West Yorkshire
The path has now ben extended north to Sand Bay north of Weston super Mare
Between Brean Down and Weston there is a section which is only open from April to July. You would need to check actual dates
The seasonal section is very nice and the all year alternative is a more urban cycle track
The section from Clevedon to Portishead is signed up, I hope they are going to clear the vegetation before the official opening!
Author: Raymond Wilkes
Posted: Wed 29th Jun 2022, 18:30
Joined: 2013
Local Group: West Yorkshire
We walked this section based in Bridgwater at the very good but inexpensive Tudor Hotel which is almost next to Wetherspoons.
It is a very nice walk with a few overgrown sections which I have reported to the council
There is a useful bus which says it is for local residents but anyone can use it.
Combined with Buses for Somerset services it is possible to do this section staying in Bridgwater.

Another section from Brean Down to Sandside north of Weston-super-Mare is now open

Parts of the route are tidal St Audrieâ??s Bay, no alternative route, and Donniford Beach, road alternative. You need to be sure of the tides!
It would be good if we had a list of of all the tidal sections of the coast paths. I know about all the affected sections of the SWCP, Wales Coast Path, aroung Watchet in Somerset, Tilbuy and Lindisfarne
If anyone can add anymore please do.

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