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Discussion Forum - Long Distance Paths - Pembrokeshire Coast Path

Posted: Mon 19th Nov 2012, 18:00
Thanks Matt. This is consistent with another comment I received from one of the accommodation-and-baggage-transfer companies:

"I can save you from "getting hell" from your wife - the Pembrokeshire Coast Path would not be suitable for your wife! It is a good thing you asked! Unfortunately the path does run close to unprotected cliff drops and is very exposed in places. I am sorry to disappoint you."

Looks like I'll be walking this one on my own if my wife gives me permission!

Author: Matthew Hand
Posted: Mon 19th Nov 2012, 16:15
Joined: 2001
Local Group: Mid Wales
From memory, there are certainly a few places which she would not enjoy, at all. Pretty close to edge (sheer drops of several hundred feet) and not always well fenced. Where it is fenced you are still very close and exposed.
Path is fine for most people, but if she has a problem with heights some sections (especially Cardigan - St Davids) may not be ideal. Couldn't you leave her to go shopping or something whilst you walk, it's a great path?
Posted: Mon 19th Nov 2012, 15:30
My wife and I are looking at walking the Pembrokeshire Coast Path, PCP, next year but ... she doesn't like what she calls "sheer drops" by the side of the path. My wife's idea of a sheer drop is if the walking path gets to within, say, 2 metres (2 body lengths) of the edge of an unprotected (no fence or vegetation) drop where a "drop" is any edge where if you did manage to fall over it, you would have difficulty stopping yourself from slipping down it. So, a fairly steep slope is sheer to my wife! I mention this because there is no standard definition of what is meant by a "sheer drop".

My wife had some bad experiences last year when we walked the Newquay to Lizard Point segment of the South West Coastal Path and that has put her off coastal paths. I'm trying to convince her to have another shot at a coastal path but it's tough to do as I've not walked the PCP before so I cannot comment on whether there are sheer drops or not. Can any member who has walked this path and who also has a fear of sheer drops, as defined above, comment on whether such drops occur on the PCP, please? Be honest. My wife will give me hell if I take her on the PCP walk and it turns out to be like the SWCP segment we walked last year! Thanks, Ben.
Author: David Findel-Hawkins
Posted: Tue 2nd Jan 2007, 9:09
Joined: 1980
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants

Thanks for reply and offer of suggestions. Is your email address correct as I have just tried it and got a delivery failure returned? My email is
Author: Robert Attwood
Posted: Sun 31st Dec 2006, 15:07
Joined: 1996
Local Group: Bristol & West
David, did the Pembrokeshire path 2006, excellent walk, used 14 B&Bs so depending on your itinerary could give details of some I'd definitley use again.My e-mail address is---
Author: Robert Attwood
Posted: Sun 31st Dec 2006, 15:07
Joined: 1996
Local Group: Bristol & West
David, did the Pembrokeshire path 2006, excellent walk, used 14 B&Bs so depending on your itinerary could give details of some I'd definitley use again.My e-mail address is---
Author: Mike Buckley
Posted: Wed 27th Dec 2006, 20:55
Joined: 1989
Local Group: Heart of England
Found b+b too intermittent so used wild camp or recognised sites instead, still got your 5L+P badges here David.
Author: Matthew Hand
Posted: Wed 27th Dec 2006, 18:46
Joined: 2001
Local Group: Mid Wales
Jane and I have done a fair bit of it (over 2 years) from North to South. It is a fantastic walk - so far. I know we looked at B&Bs but was quite difficult to get them in the right place at the end of a days walking. Tended to use the local shuttle bus service a lot to go to and from a base - have a look on the Pembroke TIC sites for details. It was there for tourists but tended to start operating after Easter, may be of help to you anyway when planning your days.

We hope to knock off another large section this year, we are somewhere the other side of St Davids - so a way to go yet! Matt.
Author: David Findel-Hawkins
Posted: Wed 27th Dec 2006, 14:18
Joined: 1980
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
I'm intending to do some or all of the Pembrokeshire Coast Path next year and wondered if anyone had any B&Bs they would recommend

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