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Discussion Forum - Long Distance Paths - John O'Groats to Lands End

Author: Adam Lewis
Posted: Mon 26th Sep 2022, 7:51
Joined: 2022
Local Group: LDWA Independent Events
Thanks Iain. Sadly/Happily I don't 'do' Facebook. Instagram (@stonekicking) is as far as I have got in the world of social media.
Author: Iain Connell
Posted: Sat 24th Sep 2022, 12:25
Joined: 2010
Local Group: East Lancashire
Hi Adam. You may like to post (some of!) your photos, and maybe a map of your route, in the main LDWA Facebook group site 'Long Distance Walkers (LDWA)', where you will get lots more readership than is no longer the case here. And well done for completing your JOGLE!. Iain
Author: Adam Lewis
Posted: Wed 21st Sep 2022, 11:33
Joined: 2022
Local Group: LDWA Independent Events
For anyone interested, after previously posting a message looking for suggestions for getting from Preston to Frodsham, I can now happily report that I successfully completed the Jogle!

Starting on May 7th 2022 and finishing July 14th 2022, and carrying all my gear (including tent , air mattress, sleeping bag and stove), I walked approximately 1300 miles in 69 days at an average of 19 miles a day with 3 days off. I guess the reason I am posting here is to whole-heartedly recommend the trip to anyone considering it. And - if I can - offer any advice. At the time of the walk I was 58 and relatively new to multi-day hiking so you don't need to be a young expert! My one big tip would be (I am embarrassed to say) to learn to navigate properly! I had apps, I had maps, compass, and a fancy watch but on many occasions I still insisted on "following my instinct" rather than taking a minute to properly get my bearings.

A couple of links:
JustGiving page (still taking donations) :
Planned route:
Personal website with more details:

Happy walking

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