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Discussion Forum - Long Distance Paths - UPDATE on Barnsley Boundary Walk / Dearne Way through YSP

Author: Iain Connell
Posted: Fri 7th Oct 2022, 11:04
Joined: 2010
Local Group: East Lancashire
A result, then, and well done Barnsley CC. Please see my previous reply. Iain
Author: Jon Fyne
Posted: Thu 6th Oct 2022, 15:12
Joined: 1989
Local Group: High Peak
Good news - After having reported the problems with the footpath (running from Jebb Lane, Haigh through the YSP to Litherop Lane) on Monday 3rd October, Barnsley MBC Rights of Way team responded very quickly indeed and contacted me on Wednesday to tell me that YSP had now removed the misleading and erroneous signage. Moreover, Barnsley RoW also informed me that the Jebb Lane footpath will be used for the new, diverted routes through YSP (both BB Walk and Dearne Way) and will be signing and waymarking the footpath shortly - for a more detailed description of these diversions, please see my previous post.
In the meantime, any walkers should ignore the information sheet, produced by YSP, stating these routes no longer go through the YSP and should also ignore the cited diversions along roads outside YSP. The same applies to the one or two signs which are attached to gates along the public bridelway, with the same misleading and erroneous information, including an invitation to leave the park on the public bridleway and use the roads, that circumnavigate the park, to get to Haigh instead.

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