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Discussion Forum - The Bothy - Why has it gone quiete on here?

Author: Rebecca Lawrence
Posted: Mon 8th Jan 2007, 12:07
Joined: 2003
Local Group: Marches
and i've been on holiday to morocco - wall to wall sunshine for 2 weeks. Was met at gatwick yesterday by howling winds and horizontal rain. Good old UK! So sorry, i haven't been around to ruffle feathers about kit checks etc, but I'll be back........
Author: Matthew Hand
Posted: Sun 7th Jan 2007, 0:24
Joined: 2001
Local Group: Mid Wales
I'm just about here, my first day of training without coughing/spluttering and generally collapsing in a heap. Things can only get better from here on in 2007. Matt.
Author: Garfield Southall
Posted: Sat 6th Jan 2007, 22:47
Joined: 1991
Local Group: Merseystride
Hi - I'm back from three days in Grasmere - a few squelchy walks - and leading a University walk in Wet Wales today. Miraculously, the weather cleared as we reached the top of Pen yr helgi du and stayed that way for the rest of a brilliant and memorable day. Views across to Tryfan were gothic and dramatic. Great stuff. Garfield
Author: John King
Posted: Sat 6th Jan 2007, 20:49
Joined: 2002
24 hours no posts, where is everybody?
Author: Julie Graham
Posted: Fri 5th Jan 2007, 17:57
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Heart of England
Tee hee John :-) Must admit I've been over to the 'other side' a few times!
Author: John King
Posted: Fri 5th Jan 2007, 9:15
Joined: 2002
It seems to me that the number of posts on here have fallen off over the last few days, could`nt be due to the return of a certain other forum could it ,or is everybody holding back in anticipation of the promised changes to this website.

Still then again it could be my imagination i guess.


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