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Discussion Forum - Gear ! - Equipment Reviews for Strider

Author: Deirdre Flegg
Posted: Wed 2nd Aug 2023, 18:51
Joined: 1993
Local Group: Dorset
Good idea Gordon, especially to help some of us catch up with technology suhc as use of power packs etc [thinking long stints at outdoor CPs not just on the trail]
Author: Gordon Stone
Posted: Tue 1st Aug 2023, 14:00
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Lancashire
Happy Yorkshire Day to everyone which means that hopefully you have received your August edition of Strider by now.
Thinking about the next issue, I would like to include some form of equipment review/discussion in it.
I have already had one suggestion from a member and that is regarding the benefits (or drawbacks) of walking poles, their different types and how to get the best from them. I will open it up initially on Facebook and in the Forum and then gather an overview to include in the next edition, which could then generate feedback from those who don't use social media (or computers at all).
A second topic that I suggest is power packs for recharging phones, GPS watches etc - more relevant to those involved in long days out, multi-day hikes, 50 & 100 mile events.
So I will get the ball rolling and look to write an article in early October to include, unless anyone else fancies it.

There may well be opinions already in the Forum. I have to admit that I've not been in for awhile but it is good to see that it still gets fairly frequent use. I will trawl through these.

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