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Discussion Forum - Local Groups - New member hello/Lake Wyke Walk

Author: Steven Schofield
Posted: Fri 25th Aug 2023, 11:27
Joined: 2023
Local Group: North Yorkshire
Hello Dierdre,

Thank you, yes I'm not a FB user but thank you.

Just hoping to meet some fellow walkers in my area

North yorkshire/coastal
Author: Deirdre Flegg
Posted: Tue 8th Aug 2023, 18:53
Joined: 1993
Local Group: Dorset
Welcome to the LDWA. Alas you will find that for some topics/categories, the Forum is not well used these days, which I think is a shame, but there you go-social media shifts and all that.

However, if you join the LDWA Facebook page, you will get more responses and advice about your plans.
Author: Steven Schofield
Posted: Thu 3rd Aug 2023, 9:15
Joined: 2023
Local Group: North Yorkshire
Hello, new member here only joined last month.

Forgive me if this walk has been covered, but I am hoping to do the Lake Wyke walk this August Bank Holiday, most likely solo, and hopefully within the 24hour period the challenge stems from.

Has anyone done it recently? Or can offer advice?

Kind regards


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