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Discussion Forum - Events - 50s in the midlands

Author: Janet Pitt-Lewis
Posted: Mon 26th Feb 2007, 21:12
Joined: 1993
Local Group: Marches
Rather pricey but it is for charity - there is a 50 in the Peak District starting in Sheffield on the 31st March - see
Author: Anne Wade
Posted: Sun 25th Feb 2007, 21:26
Joined: 1994
Local Group: Heart of England
You could start with A Coventry Way - 40 miles on footpaths, bridleways etc around Coventry. It's a marked long-distance trail on the local explorer maps and we organise a challenge event every year on the first weekend in September. Everyone welcome!!
Author: Rebecca Lawrence
Posted: Sun 25th Feb 2007, 19:07
Joined: 2003
Local Group: Marches
No, I don't know of any - the closest to the midlands was the Wye forest 55 held last year but I think it is likely to only be every 3 years.

I would love to organise one, with themed checkpoints for example, chk pt 1 1 in a local balti, chk pt 2 in a chinese, chk pt 3 in a real ale pub, although would people make it round? The midlands has a lot to offer, with lots of potential for a long walk stretching over the sandwell valley, barr beacon, through sutton park and over towards lichfield, and would be great to get local communities involved, but what a lot of planning......
Posted: Fri 23rd Feb 2007, 21:03
Was just wondering if any of you guys or girls know if there are any fifties in the midlands as cant seem to see any on the website. Thanks!!

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