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Discussion Forum - Events - the bath beat

Author: Steve Jelfs
Posted: Sun 15th Apr 2007, 9:56
Joined: 1998
Local Group: Heart of England
i should really keep this event quite , (so as to get in next year . where can you go to a family event (even the dog takes part ) you can do 26 ,21 mile for £5 16 ,12.5 miles for £4 , tea and coffie at the start , light light refreshment at4 check points plus a village hall (on the 26 miler ) with tea ,coffie and all the food you could want ( hard boiled eggs as well ) plus the most scenic countryside the south of bath has to offer , plus a cert at the end with endless tea ,coffie , and food all for a £5 thanks again dave for a great day out see you next year (if i can get in as this event should be sold out )

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