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Discussion Forum - Events - Pendle Witch Way, Saturday 28th April 2007

Author: Garfield Southall
Posted: Sun 29th Apr 2007, 16:04
Joined: 1991
Local Group: Merseystride
The LDWA events programme would be a lot duller (and shorter!) were it not for the walks organised by Scout Groups. Whilst I disagree with the principle of grouping for all on the longer walks, there is no doubt that they know how to do the job right. With Raynet for comms and St John First Aiders at every checkpoint this was a well prepared day. There were two routes - 25miles and 12 miles, both taking in Pendle Hill. I chose the former, Helen the latter. I started late, having missed the M65 turn-off on the M6 and having to go all the way to Lancaster before I could turn back !! In the end I had a good day and got round quicker than expected. The sun was warm but there was a strong, cool wind on the summit plateau. Checkpoints supplied good sandwiches, cakes, scones & biscuits and the food at the end was excellent - stew, jacket potatoes with various fillings and lots of crumbles and cakes.
The Pendle area is blessed with myriad rights of way - almost too many paths in some areas (why is this??) - the title of the event presumably being a pun !
Well done everyone. thanks for a great day. - Garfield

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