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Discussion Forum - Events - Blue Moon cancelled

Author: Matthew Hand
Posted: Mon 11th Apr 2005, 18:18
Joined: 2001
Local Group: Mid Wales
We put the event on last year (our first ever event also) as a night walk. This is in a very remote section of Mid Wales - the Elan valleys and Towy forest area, much without paths and requiring compass navigation over rough land and multiple river crossings. All went well last year (even had excellent weather) but our 'debrief' made us aware that we had rather got by on a 'wing and a prayer', and the potential for serious problems (weather or injury) were ever present.
Our concern was: We had no means of communication, either from the start/finish base tent, or with or between any of the checkpoints. There are no mobile signals over the whole course. We also had no means of access to most of the course, or way of getting anyone out if they were in trouble. Basically if someone had an accident or we lost them, it could be many hours before we heard about it and could summon help (probably helicopter).
Our secretary has done a lot of work approaching mountain rescue etc. to provide backup (comms and sweeping and emergency backup) but this has proved far too expensive to even consider, given the number of entrants.
We would love to put the event on anyway, BUT, as a club and individuals, in the event of serious mishap we really would be leaving ourselves open to litigation. Note that only 50% of last years entrants were LDWA members, the rest non members and runners, we also had 3 women on holiday from California, so not everyone thinks as we do!! If we had had a good support from members last year it may have been financially viable this year - but we cannot take that risk (we would need to double our entry, to even approach breaking even)
I have to add that feedback from those taking part was very, very positive and most found it a wonderful and novel event, but as a club we cannot see a way forward or take the risk.
Unfortunately it is those with a bit of adventure in their souls (or soles!) that will suffer over the coming years, a sign of the times I fear.
Author: Tony Deall
Posted: Sun 10th Apr 2005, 22:13
Joined: 1985
Local Group: Cumbria
As a virgin organiser (3 rings of Shap) it would be interesting to know on what grounds cancellation was indicated.
Author: Matthew Hand
Posted: Sun 10th Apr 2005, 17:52
Joined: 2001
Local Group: Mid Wales
Regretfully the Mid-Wales LDWA have to cancel this event scheduled for July 23 2005 due to Health and Safety concerns. We are unable to meet basic safety requirements as laid out in the LDWA's "Guidelines for Events" and consider the potential risk to walkers too great to enable the event to be held.

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