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Discussion Forum - Events - 3 RINGS OF SHAP

Author: Garfield Southall
Posted: Tue 31st Jul 2007, 17:26
Joined: 1991
Local Group: Merseystride
This year I dutifully supported my (then) partner's band at a concert in Llandudno at the same time as the 3 Rings was taking place. I've now booked the 14th June 2008 in our diaries so, should such a clash occur again I should get preference ! (My 'then' partner is now my wife !) - Garfield
Author: Tony Deall
Posted: Thu 26th Jul 2007, 23:18
Joined: 1985
Local Group: Cumbria
For those interested the date for next year's Three Rings of Shap is 14th June 2008. Full details and a downloadable Entry Form are now available on our web site -
Author: Tony Deall
Posted: Fri 22nd Jun 2007, 23:01
Joined: 1985
Local Group: Cumbria
Fortunately the mid summer monsoon abated sufficiently to allow the Event to start as planned. A late flurry of entries in the week beforehand brought numbers above last year?s and although entries on the day were reduced, presumably due to weather conditions, we saw 84 starters leave the Hall bright and early compared with 77 last year.

The going was soft to soggy but conditions overhead were largely kind apart from a prolonged cloud burst over the northern half of Ring 2 on Saturday afternoon. Wet and bemused walkers arrived back in dry (and nearly sunny) Shap to an unbelieving and mainly unsympathetic audience.

Walkers and runners on Ring 1 had to contend with the River Lowther in spate and flooded stepping-stones in their first mile. Apologies were tendered by the organiser who had checked the river level on Friday afternoon when the stepping-stones were high and dry. Hopefully the general consensus was that it had added to the character of the Event.

Statistics show that all starters completed at least one Ring (49), with a further 23 completing an assortment of two Ring walks. Twelve went on to complete the full 100 K route ? the same number as last year. The success rate of contenders for all 3 Rings at 44% was, however slightly higher than last year (40%). The challenge is obviously still very real and congratulations are due to all those who got round. Especially to be congratulated is Jo who went alone into the night (the first night walk for her) on what I gather was only her third challenge walk.

Colin Travis sauntered home first for the third year running in a time of 13 hours 53 minutes ? well over an hour faster than last year. Marie Doke was the first lady again (as in the recent 100) with a time of 15 hours 23 minutes.

We are grateful to all who helped with the Event, especially those who are not members of the Group. A total of 25 people ran the Event on the day doing tasks as diverse as Parking, Registration, Food preparation, Serving, Sweeping, Checkpointing, Recording etc etc.

The Check in desk at Shap was busy throughout the Event keeping a hugely successful eye on all those walking or running round in varying circles. Many thanks are due to those who recorded times, wrote certificates and generally made sense of it all. The last walker was safely checked in just over 24 hours after the start of the Event.

The outside Checkpoints were once again professionally run and organised, often for long lonely hours when contenders were few and far between. Thanks again to all those, especially our guests, who gave their time so generously.

All starters were duly fed and watered every time they appeared back at base and there were many positive comments on the quality of food and friendliness of those preparing and serving it. An enormous debt is due to all the ladies who worked so long and hard ? without them the Event could simply not take place.

The overwhelming response of those who took part was positive with many anticipating a return next year. This would seem to make academic any discussion on the merits of continuing the Event.
Posted: Wed 20th Jun 2007, 22:56
What a diverse three rings this challenge was...well worth coming up to the Lakes. Unlike Geoff, Alan Pip and I hit about 2-3 hours rain on the second loop but got back to Shap to find everyone saying 'What rain?'. It was a great effort by Cumbria group to run this event - I was really surprised there weren't more people given the write ups on the 2006 event in Strider - such a shame. The support was fantastic - at the last checkpoint I was even offered the marshall's boots as I had borrowed a pair after the sole came off mine in the second loop and in borrowed boots I was in agony. Super encouragement to complete and such beautiful walks, good organisation, food and friendliness.
Author: Geoff Holburt
Posted: Mon 18th Jun 2007, 15:58
Joined: 2003
Local Group: Calderdale
Many thanks to Tony and company for another excellant event. 3 contrasting routes or rings from fells and limestone scars to gently underlating river vallys. Although damp under foot the weather was dry and you did not need to use a torch until just before 11:00pm which helped with the navigation. When it did eventually get dark the glow markers put on some of the posts on the third ring were very good and made sure you were on the right course. The food as ever was fantastic with a good mix of savoury and sweet food at the outdoor checkpoints and the excellant home made tasty food at Shap, in between the rings and at the end of the event.

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